Title: Pinto Of The Dead
Pairing: Pinto (AKA Chris Pine/Zachary Quinto)
Rating: pg-13
Summary: Zachary falls in love with Vampire Chris.
Other: I want to thank the awsome ladies of Pinto Chat!
"Come in" Joe snapped at Chris, stepping, back
Chris stepped inside the house
"Thank you" He said kindly
Joe rolled his eyes and grabbed his cell phone
"Hey John...It's Joe. Yeah, we have a problem"
Chris reached into his pocket and got out his own cell. He dialed Kristen's number
"Hello?" She answered
"It's Chris. We have a problem. I need your help. Zach has been taken, and it's not good"
"What happened?" Kristen answerd seriously
Chris explained the situation, and Kristen said she would meet them at the entrance to the caves as soon as she could get away
"Let's go" Joe said, shoving a silver stake into a duffel bag
"What's in the bag?"
"Gear" Joe answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world
Chris climbed up into Joe's 4x4 truck and leaned his head against the window. Worry and nervousness bubbled up in his stomach
"How old are you?" Joe asked suddenly
Chris blinked and looked over
"20...in human years anyway. 100 in...you know"
Joe nodded and kept his eyes on the road.
"And you?" Chris asked.
When Joe didn't reply Chris shrugged and said "Just trying to make conversation"
"I'm 24" Joe sighed
Chris nodded and leaned back. The radio played softly in the background.
"Chris wake up" Joe said suddenly shaking him "We're here"
Chris bolted awake and rubbed his eyes. He hadn't remembered falling asleep.
Joe grabbed his duffel bag and started walking towards the caves, Chris following behind.
"Hey!" Someone cried out from their left.
Joe jumped, his hands going for the spike, Chris on the other hand crouched down, fangs lowering, ready for a fight.
"God damn it John! Don't fucking do that!" Joe cried out
"Hello boys" Kristen said coming out behind John, making the 3 boys jump again
"What the hell is she doing here?" Joe asked, looking at Kristen with disgust
"This..." Kristen said, opening her hand. A small bright blue flame exploded out from the middle of her palm
Chris almost laughed at the looks John and Joe gave her.
"Ok then...let's go"
The group slowly creep-ed into the cave, with Chris leading the way.
Turning the last corner, the group of 4 made their way to the mouth of the large room.
Looking inside the room, Chris saw that Zach hadn't been moved, He was still chained to the far wall, his head hanging down.
The room was otherwise empty
Chris felt Joe tense up next to him, and he hissed
"I say we make a break for it! Get Zachary the fuck out of there!"
"Hold it!" Chris said, his hand shooting out and stopping Joe. "We don't know where Karl is...he could be-"
"Right behind you" A voice said "Get them boys"
Chris, John, Kristen and Joe were all grabbed by the 4 men and dragged into the large cavernous room.
"Zach!!" Joe yelled "Zachary! Wake up!"
"He can't hear you boy"
"What did you do?!"
"Let's just say...I drank a little" Karl laughed
Chris watched as Joe, snarled and flailed out trying to kick the man holding him
"You know I thought for a part demon you would be a bit stronger!"
Chris, John and Kristen all whirled around and looked at Joe
"Good lord! Doesn't anyone in this room know what they are!? Jesus!" Karl exclaimed, throwing his arms up
"This one is a puppy!" The man holding John said
"Thank you, Anton" Karl said rolling his eyes. "I could smell him a mile away"
Chris watched Anton's eye lower and heard him sniff.
The man holding Joe, reached over and patted him on the shoulder