Shamanism & Wicca - Pagan Ramblings

Sep 17, 2008 21:50

Shamanism and Wicca - a blend of the two paths

I like the idea of being a keeper of the land, looking after the land, blessing it and communicating with the spirits of the plants, animals and trees.

Animism - the belief that natural objects possess souls (or spirits)

Wicca is about the sacredness of all living things, and acknowledging the masculine and feminine, which is portrayed in the God & Goddess.

I would like to learn more about the Lord, Male Wiccan/Pagan God, in particular the Horned God. What he represents - freedom, heat, south, fire, sun, forest, fun, joy, adventure, the hunt, masculine, strength.

The Goddess represents - Earth, Water, North (?), dark, night, moon, feminine, emotions.

A deep love and respect to Mother Earth and life.

A belief in personal responsibility of ones own actions, that they harm none.

I want to learn more about the elements, referred to as the directions in Shamanism. Earth, Air, Fire and Water. In a shamanic training course it states they learn about a different direction each lesson, so there must be enough to learn about each one, so I should like to gain a better understanding of them.

For example, I believe the fire element, obviously associated with heat, fire, sun, is also a great source of inspiration. What other associations/correspondences do the elements have? Would this help me in spellwork?

Areas to Study:
I would be interested in learning:
  • Working with Power Animals
  • Totem Animals
  • Working with Nature Spirits
  • Shamanic Crafts
  • The Celtic Wheel of the Year
  • Shamanic Journeying, using Meditation (maybe called Pathworking)
  • Communing with the Spirits of the Land (in plants, stones and animals)
  • Animism - The belief that natural objects possess souls
  • Elements - Earth, Air, Fire and Water (The Spirits of the four elements - sometimes known as Elementals, and their correspondences and associations)  

shamanic, god, pagan, wicca, shamanism, spirits, shaman, training, elementals, elements, journey, animism, nature, learning, goddess

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