Well, it's been so long, I think I should just hit the highlights. First, we got a house! We've been moved in about a month, but of course there are still boxes to be unpacked. Not as many as there were last weekend, but yeah. I love the house, Jonna loves the house, our children (the 4 legged kind, of course) love the house. It's great.
Second, I had to change positions at my job. They did away with my old position to save money, but they wanted to keep me. So, that was at least good. I was dreading going to a new work site and a harder position, but so far it's been good. The people there are understanding that there is a learning curve, and I take a while... ;)
Third, my health issues may be bigger than I originally thought. I got a staff infection on my butt in September and that's the not the first one I've had this year. It's just the first time I was able to go to the doctor because I got my health insurance September 1st. And now I'm thinking there might be something seriously wrong with me because I get cramps when it's not even that time of the month & some bleeding, too...maybe that's TMI...I should probably put this paragraph behind a cut.
Anyway, I don't know if anyone still reads this, but I'll post it anyway. Even if just one person reads it, it'll be worth it. I hope everyone on my flist is doing well. *hugs to you all*
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