Wow, this has been quite a month so far. I am deeply saddened by a few things: a good friend of ours (Sarah) lost someone who had been a huge part of her life for over a decade, and the passing of Magnus (one of our pet rats), and the cancelling of Sanctuary, to name a few. Personally, I am happy to see the month end for more than one reason (the biggest of which being that I get PAID for the first time June 1st!).
But this month also had its joys as well as sorrows. I finished part two of my Chase story, and I'm working on part three. I had forgotten how much I love this character, and I look forward to continue her story. Also, I am thoroughly enjoying my job and my co-worker. For all my anxiety (which by now, I have come to accept), it has been the best thing for me. I'm doing well with my weight loss program and have been stepping up my walking regime, enjoying it thoroughly. :) I think I am actually the happiest I have been since I graduated in December, which was admittedly bittersweet because I knew I was going to miss grad school immensely.
Still, there is a part of me that feels a little guilty for being this content when someone I love dearly is in so much pain. Sarah has been such a good friend to both Jonna and me over the past two years, and we love her, her partner and their daughter like family. I wish there was something we could do, but I know sometimes the only thing is just offer to be there and leave it at that. She'll tell us if there's something she needs. Of course I've been praying, and I ask for prayers and good thoughts her way as well.
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