So I'm trying to decide.
Apparently, two bunnies are jumping on the holyday train and at least one wants to see some words on paper.
I might even write some at work tomorrow. Or not. If, you know, I actually have work stuff to do. *shrugs*
Anyways, the first is the little evol cancer fic. Don't you roll your eyes at me, I have an evol twist. Plus, it's John pov, so yay. I miss John when he doesn't get screentime.
The second bunny is extremely extremely AU. So AU, in fact, that I might make it an original fic.
I mean, Mary's alive, and there's nothing supernatural going on, so why not make it original fic? Except that if it's original fic, no one would ever read it, and I kinda like it when people actually read my stuff.
And no, there's no way it'll get published, cuz I write in English, and people here don't really publish stuff in English. And I did contact publishing houses in the US (and UK) about publishing with them, but they only work with agents. Like hell am I gonna let some agent I don't know, in another beeping country, be in charge of my story when I'm not even there to protect it.
So... ya know. I have 3 original fics, one of which I really really love, and no one's ever going to read them. So do I really want to add another one to that pile?
And on the other hand (how many hands is it so far, anyway?), there's nothing supernatural going on, it's teen!chesters and present!chesters only without the SPN stuff. All family drama and angst. So why abuse SamnDean?
And with all that going on, is it even worth writing it? I mean, yeah, I have the whole beginning. I actually have most if not all of it in my head. But I have more than a dozen bunnies up there, too. *sigh*
Yeah, I'm probably not gonna write anything. *is made of fail*