Rec post #whatever

Dec 07, 2007 08:26

 Hi guys,
I realize it's been ages since I've done this, but I discovered, and well... *shrugs*

Anyway, fandon has some stories I couldn't NOT rec, so here I go.


Sole Survivor by
When Sam carries his brother out of the gate, Hell’s army cowering behind him, the only things not burned are Dean’s feet.

Skin Deep by
Have I recced this yet? Hmm.... Well, anything by dodger is rec-worthy in my book, but this one? This one's awesome. John sets out to hunt a shapeshifter. Yeah, not so easy, especially when there are kids involved...

The Skin Horse by
powers!Dean. It's a sweet story, 2 parts. Hopefully she'll write more although it is finished.


Summer Camp by
"I sent his brother to camp," he explained. "You heatless bastard," laughed the manager. "That seems to be the general consensus," John agreed... "NO!" ... "Need Dean! Git! Gimme! BAD DADDY!"  Dude, the SamnJohn parts alone are worth the time, and Dean is just... squishable.

Salad Days by
Summery: Jim Murphy dreads the Church Picnic.  I don't know what it is with fandom lately, but wee!Sammy is awesome!

Territorial Dispute by
"Is it Dean’s turn... now?” John nods and ... then lifts Sammy free. He looks over at Dean, who’s suddenly as red-faced as his brother. “Yeah, Sammy. It’s Dean’s turn now."  (Oh, man, this is so funny!)

Let It Snow by
Ok, not wee!Chesters but it doesn't fit any other catagory, and Dean's the bestest big brother ever!


New doll!Dean story! \O/  Dolls Of War  by
(all 3 doll!Dean stories can be found here)

Playland by 
"You wanna tell me why that boy is licking my car?" SamnDean go to a job in a carnival, and Sam mistakes candy for... something else...

Coping with the Weird by
"You stopped in the middle of a haunted house to eat cheese you found lying around? Please tell me you're joking."
*snorts* He wasn't joking. Hee!

Well, is all for now. There's so so much more Winchester goodness out there.  
dragynfly_grl has a good WIP that I didn't rec just cuz she hasn't edited it yet, but I will when it's all linked properly, cuz it's awesome.
Feel free to rec me stuff, I'm always looking for good gen fics. And hey, I'm trying to write again! Yay me!

Ooh, I almost forgot. I don't have an option to add another icon, but -


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