Urgh, I need more self control!

Aug 26, 2009 20:43

As you probably figured out, I'm working on something new.
I do my best to write at least 500 words a day, and yeah, some days my best ends up being 0, but usually it's about 600 words.

And I have the first chapter finished. Unbeta-ed, but finished. Most of the second chapter, too, I guess. I'm going to try and finish it tonight.

Thing is, I want to post it.

Guh, I'm useless.

I CAN"T post it. I CAN'T!

If I post it before I finish it, it'll ruin everything. I'll be writing for comments again, instead of just trying to let the story tell itself.


Hello, my pen name is samsara, and I'm a comment whore.


update, writing

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