May 23, 2010 22:38
Last night I started my job at Shepperton Studios with the events/catering company that is based there at the back, after following Flowy's advice of asking around which I did during the Easter Holidays. So at 4 30 armed with my mums bike I set off for the 5 min bike ride to the Studios and in process of finding the right part of the studios got lost, its very confusing. Maps are supposed to help you find your way, think I'm the opposite as last year I got very lost in Southampton and yesterday but got there eventually. As soon as I arrived was shoved in the deep end by putting out the ice buckets for the wine then stood awkwardly where the drinks reception was being held. Got given odd jobs to do but nothing that much really as me not being 18 couldn't touch the alcohol. Then after a briefing of the evening was sent with one of the bosses Andrea to learn how to use the coffee machine; was pretty simple really!
Starter of melon and palma ham was then served so got into a line to pick up plates to take to a specific table, I didn't dare try and carry 3 as me being me they would go everywhere. That wasn't too bad as soon as they were all dished out we had to start clearing them up again. Got chatting whilst waiting with this girl Hannah who's a year younger about college stuff, the usual chat and she also has a business exam on Tues which she like me hasn't revised for.
After not much of a break dinner consisting of lamb or chicken, roast potatoes and veg was served which was stressful. After a while my hands were getting aching so I ended up concentrating on where I was going more than where the gravy on the plate was; not good. As I managed to spill it down my trousers and a trail on the floor. Again once serving was finished it wasn't long for clearing to start taking place. That the same as the starters wasn't too bad.
Was sent to do my job of starting to prepare for coffee which I got on with okay and once dessert was served got given the leftovers of the dinner and pudding to eat which was nice :) Not much happened for a while then till clearing glasses was in order. Some of the glasses had charms along the bottom, dont know why, so before they were put away they had to be taken off so got on with that job with the only guy of the team Scott. He was nice and chatty, mainly spoke about uni, hes in his second year at Kingston and the joys of sharing a house with 2 other guys and 1 girl. Poor her.
After more munching on the leftover strawberrys and after eights Rosie my other boss (there's 3, the other being Anne who was terrifying) said as I was riding I could leave at 11 so after a few more glasses to clear I left to fetch my bike and rode home. That was painful because my feet and legs were killing and its really erie riding in the dark. Should get some lights too as its pretty dark so stuck to the pavement as I didn't fancy getting killed by a motorbike!
Today was spent doing another travel task and doing a very minimal amount of business revision whilst relaxing in the sun. Gone beyond the point of caring now and I don't even understand most of the equations because I spent the lessons playing tetris and Fall Down on my fellow Sam's itouch. Ohh well.
But the last week of Strodes! Fucking scary!! Another big push for travel work is to be inorder like last week, got the 2 distinctions to do from the old unit to do by Thursday, hopefully I can do it. Very proud about the amount of work I did last week :)