Feb 26, 2005 02:20
Finally beat riven. It has a good ending. I think I experience most of them. I should have saved before I (censored due to spoiler) so that I could see what happened if I did 1 of the tasks, but not the other. Damn. Now I really wish I had. But anyway. For those of you who end up playing, the marble puzzle is a bitch. I thought I knew what I was doing, but somehow I was really wrong. Looking back I realize that I made a few silly mistakes. I will hint that you must pay attention to the outside world, even when you're underground...
So today is a good day. I realized that I don't have my SAT prep class until NEXT weekend, so that gives me some time to sleep in, unless I want to talk to my boss about why my spring break request for time off was refused.... A note on that. It doesn't so much change whether or not I'll be visiting, but it may change whether or not I still have a job when I return home. Hopefully, I can work it out with my boss somehow. If not, I will have to put in two weeks notice, and possibly apply at applebee's. TIP SHARE! But anyway.
Another reason today is a good day: Kas gets a taste of freedom. I assume that soon he will obtain a car with the money we all pitched in. I am intregued to wonder if he will get a van, like he's used to, or get a cool car instead. I can't help but wonder what's going through his parents' head right now. I recieved and IM from evan, claiming that kas ran away. Naturally, I played dumb and I was like "what? You're kidding. What gives you this idea?" and he goes "He's not in my house." "er... maybe he's out?" "for 2 days?" I'm not sure what evan's thinking, but whatever.
Bringing this entry to a close, it is time to begin my next major endevor... Eagle project. i will take a break from games for a while. I will GET a copy of Myst III : Exile, but I will first have to finish my eagle. On that note, I now retire. Gotta talk to the boss in the morning. G'night all, and sweet dreams. and remember "In books and even in life, the end can never truely be written."