Tweets taste better the second time around

Apr 10, 2009 20:01

  • 14:00 @ caliberhl well, I don't get a discount on the iphones themselves - I get 15% off monthly bill #
  • 14:01 @ caliberhl As far as June/iPhone, I thought that's when they release info on the next phone, not when the phone is actually released. #
  • 14:05 @ caliberhl Plus I wanted the phone for upcoming trips to Indiana (boo) and Vegas (yay) in May/June. #
  • 15:34 Wow. Tweetdeck kept locking up on me, I updated, now it won't even stay open. Anyone using a good twitter app? #
  • 17:19 @ gilcreque Ah thanks. I saw you mention it earlier, thought it was a mac-only app. #
  • 22:02 Wow.. the most amazing time lapse I've ever seen. Now I want the Canon 5D Mark II. A steal at $3,500. #
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