Awww you make me smile Internets

Aug 26, 2012 19:22

I swear - I can't go 5 mins on google reader without grinning or guffawing. The best part of going on a 6week holiday is totally catching up on my favourite bloggers. I got to watch 6 episodes of Pretty Little Liars (aka PLL) IN A ROW partially interupted by two sets of hilarious recaps from Heather Hogan and Jacob Clifton and then I got to read through Dorothy Snarker's ode to the abs of the olympics <3 and look at the hilarious GIFs and squee Heather Hogan had on her Tumblr (Heather RULES the internet) which I could not resist sharing :)

via (which may be my new homepage)

AND THIS!!!!! This combines about 5 of my favourite things: Pretty Little Liars, Paige McCullers from PLL, throwing a rage, generally kicking shit, and GIFs

All I can say is, thanks Heather Hogan - you genius of the world! You always cheer me up with your posts :)

Also if you're intrigued by the bin kicking...WATCH PRETTY LITTLE LIARS IT'S INSANE

pretty little liars, heather hogan, jacob clifton, gifs, dorothy snarker

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