Ahhhh. I reinstalled my MacBook today. Fresh start. And As I was reinstalling my music and photos I came across one photo in particular which made me think. There's one photo of me and Lydia cuddled up on the sofa at my place and it's so genuine. My arm is around hers and her eyes are looking genuinely happy. It's hard to explain but it's just a very 'truthful' look of happiness and laughter.
It hurts me that no matter how hard I try I can't even tell this girl how much I miss her because she broke my heart and it's me that walked out on her. She helped me through some hard times and I grew close to her over two years. I am too proud to tell her I need her and that she was my best friend. But consequently I miss my best friend. I don't for one minute regret throwing her out of my life; I needed to get over her. But now I am left missing her badly. For the last week I have dreamt about bumping into her and explaining how I miss her. I dont for one minute want her as a girlfriend I've successfully moved on, but I miss her as my friend. So much
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