Next Step With You
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: PG
Pairing: Katara/Aang
Warnings: none.
Summary: She's looking forward to this.
softball_girl_2 's prompt "Aang/Katara - what happens next", also for the prompt at
100_women "ends"
She's brushing her long hair when he comes in the room. Glancing over to him in the reflection of her mirror, she asks, "What's wrong, Aang?"
Gray eyes blink over to her in astonishment before he grins in amusement. "I love how you always know when I'm troubled."
His gaze briefly turns to her abdomen then to her face. Instinctively, her hand flies to her pregnant belly and she smiles.
"He'll be an airbender, Aang," she assures him. When he still frowns, Katara stands and kisses his lips lightly. "Trust me on this, okay?"
The Avatar returns her smile, embracing her and Katara thinks how much she's looking forward to spending her life with him. Them.
Because something like this could never end.
Wow, when I make my request post, I promise whatever you request will be longer, Natalie. This was way too short.
lol, pretend it's not because I don't like this couple, just PRETEND, OKAY?! I'm trying here.