there is a darkness (15/?)

Aug 23, 2012 17:50

there is a darkness
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Pairing: Bonnie/Klaus, Tyler, Stefan, Damon, one sided Bonnie/Jeremy, Caroline/Matt, Elena/Stefan, Damon, Elijah
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: spoilers for the finale, blood, some gore, sexual situations
Summary: It's a power thing, Bonnie realizes. And that changes everything.

“What’s a Bennett witch doing as a vampire?” Damon questions and then cocks his head to the side.  “You never told me that.”

“You talk to me one more time, traitor, and you’ll regret it,” her voice is smooth and low.  Her eyes never leave Bonnie’s.  Damon scoffs next to her and turns, rolling his eyes.  “You’re a Bennett then.”

Bonnie nods once.  How fascinating.  This vampire is a Bennett?  How?  Wouldn’t that have affected the bloodline somehow?  Or does that work only when they’re all being channeled?  Bonnie doesn’t really know.  She scans the vampire’s face and is surprised when she can’t sense any hostility in her.  Is it just a Bennett thing?  She doesn’t really know.

“Damon, Klaus-leave.”

“Oh, come on, she might-”


With that, Klaus grips Damon’s arm and forcefully pulls him out of the library, the vampire watching with some interest and a raised eyebrow.  The only reason Klaus is even touching the Salvatore is because Bonnie silently sent the command; that’s apparent by the glare he throws her way.  Damon’s protests could still be heard in the corridor but Bonnie ignores it and turns back to the vampire.

“You have a leash on them,” she comments and Bonnie smirks.

“It’s a bit complicated,” Bonnie says and her face falls into seriousness.  “Why were you working with a witch?”

“In your words,” she tells her in monotone, “it’s complicated.”

“I already know about witches and vampires working together,” Bonnie says, “I just want to know why.”

Isarae’s eyes flicker over Bonnie and she frowns.  A silence stretches between them and Bonnie shifts her weight.  “Why…” she murmurs, eyes glazing over in thought.  “I lost everything becoming a vampire.  I was vulnerable in a world of monsters.  I need to be with kin.”

“How long have you been working with the occult?”

Isarae’s eyes snap to Bonnie’s fiercely.  “Who taught you, child?  We are not some group to be disrespected,” she states, anger lining her tone.

Bonnie licks her lips and nods.  “Fine.  Your organization.”

“I’ve been with them sense the thirties,” she says with a sigh.  Then the vampire frowns.  “Can you not read my past?  A simple touch should do it.”

Bonnie purses her lips.  She’s not inclined to that approach if she doesn’t have to.  She’s being cooperative.  That and...she’d rather not sense what a Bennett witch had gone through as a vampire.  She remembers the sickening feeling when she had touched her mother for the first time sense her turning.  “I’d rather respect a fellow Bennett.”

Raising an eyebrow, Isarae says, “Is that so?” She hums and shakes her head.  “I didn’t even know you were a Bennett until you said my name-then I knew.  I have lost so much but I still feel some things.”  Something like sadness glints in her eyes but it’s gone the next moment.  “Humanity is like poison for vampires, yet there is something about being a witch just…stays with you.”

Bonnie eases herself down on the chair across from her and folds her hands within her lap.  The vampire frowns with some suspicion but doesn’t voice it.  “I refuse to be turned.”

She smiles, almost spitefully.  “You have loved ones on the other side, I assume,” she says, “You are lucky.”

“Not really,” Bonnie blinks away flashes of how unlucky she truly is.  “Why are you after me?”

“I wouldn’t know anything about that,” she returns.  “My partner and I had been called from New York for an emergency meeting.”

“How many of you are there?”

The vampire tilts her head to the side with a secretive smile.

Bonnie sighs.  “All right.  Then why were the other two after me?  Aaron and…Nadine,” Bonnie recalls their names.

“Nadine has been a friend of mine for about fifty years now,” there’s some bitterness in her voice.  “They were sent to recruit someone before the others got to them.  I can only assume they were looking for you.”

Bonnie thins her lips and nods.  “Have you ever been sent to recruit others?” when the vampire nods, “Then do you stalk them before trying to talk to them?”

“It’s a tactic the elders suggest,” Isarae reveals.  “But I don’t use it.”

“Elders…” Bonnie frowns.  “You said something about the others?  What others?”

The vampire looks confused.  “You don’t know?” She hums.  “Just another witch group that hate vampires.  They’ve been trying to rid of my kin for years.”

Bonnie feels something tighten in her chest.  How has she never known about this?  Are these groups completely exclusive?  Damon made it sound like they hardly mattered.  It seems like they matter.  A lot.  She studies the vampire before her.  There’s something akin to grief radiating from her and Bonnie feels affected by it.  “How did you become a vampire?”

“You do not want to know that,” she answers, eyes downcast.

“I think I do,” Bonnie replies.  “See, my mother became a vampire because two brothers cared more about a girl more than anyone else.  And because of that, my mother is doomed to be a vampire for the rest of her life.”  Bonnie feels that familiar bitterness well inside her.  “I think I can take it.”

The vampire stares at Bonnie with a neutral face.  Something passes between them and Bonnie thinks it might be understanding.  She sighs and licks her lips.  “I am going to die anyway,” she mutters and Bonnie frowns at the resignation.  “I grew up in the streets of DC,” she begins, “The poor ones, where no one wanted to be.  I got the opportunity to work for a brewery.  It was during the 1920’s-it wasn’t kind to us,” she closes her eyes and sigh.  “I lost my brother because he was used as a scapegoat.  We were so easily blamed back then-now,” she thins her lips.

Bonnie wonders what she really means by ‘we’ and sets her jaw.  She’s not talking about being a witch, Bonnie knows.  And the thought of it makes her chest tighten.  The racial oppression is apparent even now but Bonnie knew it had been so much worse before her time.  And the small comment makes that evident.

“I got the chance to work and I took it,” Isarae continues.  “The owner was…charismatic,” she recalls and Bonnie spies the ghost of a genuine smile.  “He treated me different, without perversion or discrimination.  As best as he could in that society, I suppose.”  She shrugs.  “He was unmarried and wealthy, so he was quite loved by the women.  But…he seemed to care about me.  I hadn’t known that feeling for a very long time.”

“You two…?”

“In secret,” she states, “We knew better than to ever show affection otherwise.  He would have been shunned or worse and I would have been killed for sure,” she sighs, shaking her head.  “I knew what he was the moment I touched him and I told him what I was.  It was a hard adjustment but there was something nice about having a secret of the supernatural together.  We were happy.”


“I grew ill.  Cancer, probably.  I will never really be sure,” Isarae wrinkles her nose.  “I tried every healing spell.  I had someone to live for.  When he found out…I saw something in his eyes and he said these words I’ll never forget,” she says in a quiet tone, “He said, ‘Isarae, if you could be with me forever, would you?’  And I told him yes without hesitation.”  She offers a spiteful smile.  “He had told me his family was having family problems, that he had to get away and he was willing to run away with me.  And on my dying bed, he gave me the blood.  I woke up, feeling like death.  I was welcomed to a horrible new world.”

Bonnie bites her lip.  She wonders what Abby had felt-being dragged from the connection to nature and plunged into a world of morbid desires and death.

“We were supposed to meet at a certain place.  He had left a message for me before I woke up,” her brow furrows.  “I waited.  He never came.”

“He died?” Bonnie asks.

“I will never know,” Isarae returns and blinks and all emotion from before is gone.  “And it no longer matters.”

“Right,” Bonnie says with a nod.  “And now you’re a Bennett vampire, just trying to connect with nature again,” Bonnie sniffs.  “You have no real purpose, do you?” The vampire’s eyes flash with warning.  “I can sense it.  You don’t have anything to live for.”

“Send Salvatore in,” she rolls her eyes.  “Tell him I’m ready.”

“Are you sure?” Bonnie stands, cocking her head to the side.  “I still have so many questions.”

“It works both ways, you know,” she says quietly.  “I know you have a bond with both those vampires.  One is stronger than the other.  And I can tell the Salvatore has something over you-something spiritual.  He’s using you, you know.”

Bonnie glares down at her.  “You wouldn’t know anything about that.”

“I know because I’ve been there,” she replies.  “I had a bond with every witch I have been paired with.  I know the signs.”

“Do you now?” Bonnie scoffs.

Isarae hums.  “And you have other bonds.  But you don’t know it or how to control it,” she tilts her head with some interest.  “You have no idea what to do, do you?  It’s bothering you.”

“Okay, that’s enough,” Bonnie narrows her eyes.

“Fine,” Isarae leans back and winces at the stake in her shoulder.  “Would you ask Salvatore to cast my ashes near the eastern side of the town, in the woods?   I have lingering memories there.”

“No need,” Damon’s voice comes from the doorway and he strides into the center of the room, Klaus in tow.  “Already here,” he shoots her a smirk.  “Thanks for the sob story, but it’s time to say goodbye.”

Bonnie makes a sound of protest when he pushes her back and grips Isarae’s shoulder, ready to pull the stake out and stab her through the heart, no doubt.  With a sudden panic in her chest, Bonnie glances over to Klaus but she knows he already has sensed it.  She wonders how it must feel sometimes-knowing you don’t have full control.  Klaus grits his teeth and with a sigh, he speeds to Damon and grips his wrist.  Damon instantly throws Klaus a bewildered look while Isarae glances up with some bemusement.

“What the hell are you doing?” Damon snatches his wrist back.  “Get off me!”

“Ask her,” Klaus gestures towards Bonnie, accusingly.

Everyone’s eyes are on her and Bonnie purses her lips at the scrutiny.  She glances down at Isarae and then back at Damon.  “We could still use her.”

Damon rolls his eyes.  “No, you feel a connection with her and now you don’t want her dead.  Bonnie, may I remind you that if she had the chance, she would tear your throat out?”

Bonnie stays unfazed.  “I want her alive for now.”

“Yeah, no,” Damon turns back to the female vampire and raises his hand once again.  She throws him across the library and he groans when his head hits the bookshelves, books toppling over his form.  Walking over to him, Bonnie places her hands upon her hips.

“You didn’t hear me the first time, I’m hoping,” Bonnie raises an eyebrow and Damon rolls his eyes again.

“Sure, princess, whatever you say,” he gets up and throws her a glare.  “What am I supposed to do with a Bennett vampire?  Keep her in the basement like Grandpa over here?”

Klaus’ jaw sets but he doesn’t say a word and Bonnie mentally thanks him for it.  She raises an eyebrow at Damon and then to Klaus.  The Original narrows his eyes at her, already knowing what she’s about to demand of him.  Damon looks between the two with a questioning stare.

“I’m sure some compulsion will do the trick,” Bonnie flickers her eyes over to Isarae.  “You probably haven’t created an immunity to vervain.  Or maybe the coven is against you trying.”

Isarae doesn’t answer and Damon still seems a little put off by the idea but he shrugs and tosses the bloody stake on the table.  Klaus cuts his eyes over to Bonnie prior to crouching before the Bennett vampire.  Isarae initially looks somewhat confused until her eyes land on Klaus’.  Her pupils dilate soon enough and Bonnie watches as she seems to grow more relaxed as he whispers some words to her.  Frowning, Bonnie strains to hear and turns her gaze towards Damon who merely nods, reassuringly.

Klaus stands and turns towards Bonnie, offering a neutral look.  For a moment, she wonders if he wanted to compel Isarae, as if having some power over someone else is gratifying enough, even if it’s for Bonnie.  She figures he won’t do anything stupid and he only has Isarae under his thumb.  And if that’s the case, she can always command Isarae to do something by simply commanding Klaus to do it.

Sighing, Klaus bends down and breaks the chains that bind Isarae and she falls back, almost lifelessly.  Both Damon and Bonnie observe as Klaus allows her to latch onto his shoulder for some support.  When she glances up to Bonnie, she gives her a small glare, as if fully knowing what has finally happened.  Bonnie can’t care any less, as long as she is alive.  Klaus passes her onto Damon, who looks hesitant to let the Bennett vampire touch him.

“She won’t harm anyone,” Klaus states, more to Bonnie than Damon.  “Just like you always wanted.”

“If you recall, it was just friends.  She’s allowed to hurt him,” Bonnie says mockingly and Damon sneers.

“I’ll give you a minute warning call if we ever start going at it,” Damon tells her.  His face falls as he glances back at the bookshelves.  “Now I have to clean up.  Damn witch.”

“A good time for you to redecorate the dreadful looking room,” Klaus supplies.

Damon’s eye twitches and Bonnie points a finger to the door.  Klaus smirks as he begins out of the room, looking accomplished.  Bonnie looks over to the vampire, almost expectantly.  They share a small look and Bonnie thinks she spies that same understanding from before.

“I don’t owe you anything,” the vampire tells her.

“I never said you did.”


The new information is somewhat startling and she wonders if that’s the gathering Lucy had been talking about.  Or maybe it’s another kind?  She doesn’t know and it only makes her more fearful for her cousin.  She needs to figure out this bond before it’s used against them.


When they arrive home, Bonnie stays in the car and Klaus simple stays with her.  Staring ahead, Bonnie thinks about what the vampire had told her-about the witch convens, her story and the bond.  It’s all so troublesome and she wishes she could just know what to do already.

“Every time you feel distressed, I feel it as well,” Klaus states in monotone, “If you could cease, that would be wonderful, love.”

Bonnie scoffs and rolls her head to the side, leaning against the window.  He doesn’t feel it, she knows, because he can recognize what is his and what isn’t.  Klaus simply knows what she is feeling.  Bonnie sometimes wishes he’d get that part.  “Do you think witches and vampires can live in harmony?”

“I’m sure there are few that have found equality,” Klaus offers but she feels it’s more of a forced contribution to the conversation.

“But is the idea so crazy?” she prompts, still staring ahead.  “Could the two coexist without the troubles we have now?  Would witches still be used?”

For about a minute, it’s quiet and she’s sure he feels like he doesn’t need to add anything more.  She wouldn’t blame him; at this point, she wouldn’t want to talk to herself either.  Everything in her world has tipped over and it seems like that keeps happening.

“I believe…” Klaus begins, “that everything comes down to power and how it is gained.  If two people can gain power together, equally, it is twice as hard as someone who may gain it all to themselves.”

Bonnie blinks and stares at him with some question.  “Why would it be harder for two people?”

“Because, in the end, it’s all a game of power,” Klaus returns.  “Everyone is selfish and it only matters who is the strongest.  To be powerful together…now, wouldn’t that mean they are simply putting selfishness aside?”


Bonnie thinks that maybe Klaus has thought about that in the past.  It’s like he believed he could accomplish a companionship like that.  But he had failed and he no longer had the drive, taking on the world alone.  She thinks how sad that really is because how long he must have felt like a failure?

And maybe that’s why he hadn’t acted when she went through that small depression.  Perhaps…he liked the idea being trapped with someone.  Maybe he just wanted someone to be connected to in such an intimate way because that’s never really happened before.

Or maybe she’s just thinking nonsense.


Lucy calls her and Bonnie instantly begins questioning her.

“Whoa, whoa, cuz, hold on,” Lucy tells her, “You said you know about the pact?”

“Pact?” Bonnie frowns, “You mean the group?”

“They call it a pact,” Lucy answers, “They have a few werewolves so I guess that’s why they’re calling it a pact.   That’s because the witches have bonded with them.  It’s a little weird but whatever.”

“Someone told me about a group made for vampires and witches.  Heard of it?”

“No…this group is pretty anti-vampire,” she replies.  “Why?”

“They told me about how there are two groups, I guess you’re in the one that hates vampires…” Bonnie murmurs.  “What have they told you?”

“Not much.  They said there’s a bunch of stuff they have to do here in Virginia.  They sound crazy but they’re pretty nice, can’t lie.”

Bonnie sighs.  “Lucy…you know about bonding spells, right?”

“Yeah, I mean, I was the one who bonded Katherine and her clone, remember?”

“I know…” Bonnie bites her lip.  “I need you to look at a bonding spell for me.”

“Okay…why?  Is this another vampire problem?”

“Yeah, it is.”

“Cool, I’ll be over soon.”


They’re all in the living room.  Bonnie sits on the couch with Abby and Lucy, while Tyler begrudgingly sits upon the lazy boy and Klaus opts for leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.  Lucy has a grimoire in front of her-one of her own-and has already asked for Bonnie, Tyler and Klaus’ blood.  The drops lay on the table, away from each other so they may not mix.  She’s muttering latin under her breath quietly as everyone else waits.

“Okay,” Lucy sighs out and everyone looks at her.  “I can tell the spell was made in a hurry-no time to really do the process meticulously.  Basically, the spell is confused.”

“Confused?” Tyler gives her a bewildered look.  “How can magic be confused?”

“If it’s done wrong, magic doesn’t know what the exact orders are so it does what it thinks is best,” Lucy explains.

“Ah,” Klaus gives a mocking smile, “So this is Bonnie’s fault for sure then.”

“God, could you shut up?” Tyler throws a looks of exasperation towards the older hybrid and Bonnie raises an eyebrow.

“Anyway…” Lucy continues, “The spell knows Bonnie is the witch, the master basically.  Though it has Bonnie connected as a safety measure.  Meaning, on the werewolf’s side-” here Tyler inserts his name under his breath, “-whenever he feels in danger or is hurt, maybe how the Original was when the spell began, thinking of the master, it could affect everyone.  For Klaus, if he’s hurt, it may not affect anyone at all, since the spell knows it was mostly directed at him.  The werewolf is just an added bonus because they were compounded at the time.”

“So Bonnie got hurt because I was thinking of her?” Tyler monotones.

Abby decides to pipe in.  “Not necessarily.  That particular affect could have been triggered by the witches meddling with you.  It might not ever happen again. Though the bond is still a part of you.”

“Right,” Lucy nods, “You might be tied to Bonnie and the Original on a spiritual level for the rest of your life.”

Both Klaus and Tyler look disturbed at this.

“So…” Bonnie begins before the two start complaining, “I can remove it, right?”

“The spell seems pretty engraved into both of them.  I mean, you did pretty much merge their spirits together.”  Lucy frowns and stares up at Klaus.  “Have you noticed any similarities between your bond with Bonnie and when you were in Tyler’s body?”

Klaus shrugs.  “Only emotions that weren’t my own.”

Lucy purses and looks over to Bonnie.  “You might be screwed.”

“What?” Tyler groans.  “Are you kidding me? What can we do?  We can’t have this over our heads.”

Klaus shoots him a smirk.  “At least I know I am not alone in this.”

“Again, shut up.”

“Stop it,” Bonnie snaps and sighs.  “So this can all be resolved if I die?”


“Tyler,” she says warningly. She gazes at Lucy in expectancy.

Lucy thins her lips and nods.  “Most likely.  There’s always a way to break a spell but this sort of bonding spell…it’s so tied up with the three of you…it almost needs a reset button.”

“A reset button?” Abby echoes and Bonnie catches something rather disturbing in her mother’s eyes.

Before Bonnie can say anything, Lucy turns to Klaus again.  “Are you sure your emotions are mixed with the werewolf’s?”

“Tyler,” both Bonnie and Tyler correct her, though it’s ignored.

Klaus rolls his eyes.  “My emotions have nothing to do with Tyler now.  It’s Bonnie’s emotions I am feeling.”

Lucy frowns.  “But that’s not possible.  You should only be obeying her orders.  You might know when she’s in distress but you won’t be able to ever confuse it with your own.”

With that Bonnie throws Klaus a smirk. It’s what she’s been telling him all along.  Klaus merely narrows his eyes.  “I don’t believe you.”

Her cousin wrinkles her nose and shakes her head.  “I don’t really care.  Anyway,” Lucy stands with her grimoire, “I’m not exactly sure how to break…Tyler from the bond.  It’s almost like all three of you are sired.”

Tyler sighs loudly and leans back, staring at the ceiling.  “Awesome.”

Abby stands and shakes Lucy’s hand.  “Thank you for helping us.”

She grins.  “No problem.  We’re all family.  Bennett witches help each other out.”

Bonnie’s reminded of Isarae and she wonders how that would ever apply to the vampire.


Once Lucy and Abby leave, Tyler goes up to his room, probably mulling the information over in his head.  Klaus retreats to the basement once again and Bonnie quietly wonders if he has a supply of bodies down there for blood.  She’d rather not see what he’s done to her basement, actually.  She’s sure Grams is pulling her hair out in the afterlife.

Stefan is still gone and that brings her to question what he’s really up to.  It’s not like he doesn’t do things behind her back, because totally does.  It’s just that with the small confrontation of him slipping into ripper habits again may have created another rift between them.  He isn’t about to turn off his humanity, she knows.  But that won’t stop him from tearing up the town if he feels the urge to.  Bonnie has a sinking feeling that he had warned her before and she just didn’t want to listen.

There’s a loud knock at the door and she emerges from the kitchen to see who it is.  It’s nightfall now and she thinks maybe Caroline wanted to stop by.  But Caroline would’ve just barged right in by now though.  She reaches out with her magic and doesn’t sense anything supernatural, so Bonnie opens the door with caution.

Her heart stops as she stares in front of her.





A bit of a boring chapter, sorry about that.  Also, I picture Isarae as Tika Sumpter.  Enjoy~

series: there is a darkness, character: bonnie bennett, character: tyler lockwood, character: stefan salvatore, rating: nc-17, character: klaus, fandom: the vampire diaries, pairing: bonnie/tyler, pairing: bonnie/damon, pairing: bonnie/stefan, character: caroline forbes, character: damon salvatore

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