Feb 17, 2012 13:43
I'm loving the sun at present. I write this post sitting outside in the shade of an umbrella in the gentle breeze. Cats lazying in the sun nearby, kids playing happily...you get the idea.
Ticking things off our to do list. This weekend it's painting S room. Its been on the list for a while, glad to get it done.
Also very happy that my world is no longer spinning...for now. Changed my diet and that seems to be working, so far. Also had blood test and everything is all good. So yay!
Friends having baby's...so very cute.
Gaming. Loving it at present, and doing loads.
My friends who understand that I need to vent every now and then. It's appreciated greatly.
Honorary mentions: My loving husband, wonderful (most of the time) girls, in-laws who drop by just to say hi, new sheets, wolf whistles, planning holiday's and events, trying new foods and liking them, and fresh jam donuts.