Jun 18, 2005 07:55
What a hot, sticky day! I feel guilty about complaining when, compered to summers in Paris and New York and the like the humidity here is hardly noticeable but PHEWPH! it's hot! Took DD to the park to meet Mr wol for lunch. He had a latish lunchtime meeting so our original scheme to go into town and buy me a new phone collapsed rather. Instead we got to play on the playground with a pack of older kids on some sort of school trip and a couple of friendly toddlers. good session overall even if we did have to picnic in shifts as DD wasn't for sitting down and eating. DD threw stones in the river, climbed up and down assorted public sculpture, surprised the heck out of several couples necking in the grass (never seen so many of those there at the same time!), and smelled the roses. Good times were had by all.
The new postal movie service (dVDs to your door) we subscibed to sent us a second film so the evening was enlivened by couch snuggling and Jet Li in 'Hero'. I really enjoyed it. When in Dublin recently we saw 'House of Flying Daggers' and I was sorely disappointed. By the end of that film I was pretty happy to see the lot of them dead. Doomed romance is all very well but doomed stupidity and the delight of getting to choose between two guys both of whom tried to rape you is sickening. 'Hero' had plenty of the doomed romance but less of the stupid. It was like watching ballet. Beautiful! Passionate! But also immensely contrlled and serene. Maggie Cheung was especially wonderful (fighting with leaves!!!) and the fight over the lake was like a dream. Although I still think Zhang Ziyi is the Orlando Bloom of Hong Kong movies (pretty but shallow). Bang it back in the post today and we chould have another film to watch by Tuesday. This movie idea is designed to keep us off the PCs a bit and get us to talk more to eachother in the evenings and so far is working well.
movie review