Mixed Moss

May 10, 2008 13:15

Anyone out there like Guinness? Well the huge Guinness brewery in the heart of Dublin looks like it is going to be modernized to another site altogether. This would be a crying shame for the heritage of the city. If anyone is interested there is an informative site on Facebook with details http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=9178392186&ref=nf and who knows. A little pressure might even help.

As for what I have been doing since my last micro blog last Saturday, the answer is Half Term. DD ha been off school all week and we have managed to fill the time in spite of very interesting weather making life harder than it needed to be. Three birthday parties in 8 days helps of course. Sadly we did not get down to my parents' house in the country to enjoy the better weather as 1 - my Mum was away in the UK visiting hers and 2 - I was still crawling through my lung infection and reckoned sharing that would be less than welcome. Am still coughing but the yuck is receding.

Just as well though as DD is coughing like a 40 a day smoker, BB is running a slight fever and is chewing everything (ah teeth!) and Mr wol woke up this morning with a violent hangover which has to be annoying as he didn't have anything to drink. Poor man!

Other news on the health front is that a team of rheumatologists have declared that DD does not actually have JIA. She just has pain. To which the answer is a bit good-news-I-think. Damnit! Now I have to chase up her consultant for a dietician review or something as we can't just leave her chugging down NSAIDs with no clue as to why. The paeds specialist there was grim. We were waiting nearly 90 minutes and then he spoke exclusively to me about DD, not even addressing her directly when he was doing the physical exam. It was like some scene from Galaxy Quest with him asking me to get her to do something, and me relaying his requests in exactly the same wording to her. Eventually though we ended up seeing the rest of the team as we were so damn late they all came in by the end. The woman specializing in the 40-50 agegroup spoke right off to DD, asked her if her shoes were new and did she like school and so on. Under such attention she blossomed, was communicative, chatty, helpful, delightful actually. As this went on it was like watching a light come on in the senior bloke's head as he flashed back to his patient communications training and belatedly joined in. Obviously I should have slapped him earlier on. I might have got the reset button.

Have done some grown up socializing this week too. Lunch with irishkate, evening and cake with irishkate, chefted and mizkit, visiting with neighbour Mum, gaming on Thursday and the chance of a Nexus game materializing over teh interwebs. Fun!

Wish BB would sleep more at night though.

arthritis, domestic, health, rowan

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