Yes, Fairy Princess Sparkle, or 'Snotty' to her victims - has visited our house and all are suitably afflicted. Given that I spent Wednesday prostrated with food poisoning I am feeling well cheesed off. I am now on my third box of tissues this morning, my nose is the colour of an old fashioned London bus and feels about the same size, the marking can go stuff itself, I am off sick today.
We gamed last night. More D&D, although we are flirting with the possibility of jumping ship and starting something new. The module was called 'Start at the End' where we started off killing a dragon - successfully accomplished last week - and were then set upon by two giant snakes. Cue my feet heading for the centre of the coffee table and much bitching on my part. It's not like I keep my ophidiphobia a secret. In fact the last module had something similar happen when we were attacked by something with tentacles but as that was all we could see they were snakey enough for me to go scared and useless. Anyway by this week's session they had morphed into monitor lizards, only with some rather bad grace because they kept their constricting attack and the GM kept muttering about how they should get attacks for these legs they suddenly had. Also GM and
alaimacerc would keep slipping back into calling them snakes. Feet back up, shivers restarted, hi ho return of desperate nausea. Now In know it isn't rational. Hell it is deeply irrational but would people PLEASE! try and make more of an effort when people tell you they are phobic about something to accommodate that. It may be funny but it is NOT fun! Bless Mr wol he kept calming me down, reclassifying them as ROUSes (Reptiles of Unusual Size), and taking the pressure off. Anyway, we killed the feckers, and for once I was not a bit sorry.
On a lighter note, I won the lst round of
the_book_game and I don't have to run the next one because I have just done one. So double Woohoo! My new strategy of blindly picking the least likely line seems to be paying off.