Baby development

Jan 23, 2008 11:40

BB responds to certain things on the TV but mostly it is as if it doesn't exist except as a nice plunky surface to bang things on. Some kids' shows, like In The Night Garden he gets very interactive with and large smiley faces and underwater scenes seem to hold his attention too. Right now though he is watching Gene Kelly in An Invitation to the Dance like it's his long lost mother. I don't think he is even blinking. Of course there is music and colour and CLOWNS! but now it is at the sombre night scene and he is still entranced. ... I'd better go get him before the tight-rope scene huh?

Later: the other aspect of BB's development that focuses the mind at the moment is sleep, or rather the lack of it. The last two night s have been Hell. This morning, after his usual midnight and random other wake ups, he woke up a third time at 5.20am and I went to feed him with a sick sense of doom that was well justified by the events. Yes, he was ready to start his day, no he was not sleepy, yes, I was stuck trying to reset a reluctant, resistant body clock while my own hardly had the energy to tick. After sitting in the dark with him held on my lap for nearly 90 minutes he finally slept soundly enough to put back to bed. Yes maths whizzes that made it 6.45. Our alarm goes off at 7. Undeterred I planned to go to bed for 15 mins. but no, he woke up again before I could get under the covers. HOWLS! At that point I cracked like an egg. Mercifully I am married to a wonderful and kind man who put me to bed, sorted DD out for school, took her and BB down then came back with BB and brought me tea in bed. I was so grateful I cried. Still shattered though. Naps are no substitute for a night's sleep. This is why people are supposed to breed in their teens and twenties. I remember my first year at college when sleep was an optional extra. HA! Those days are GONE!honey.

tv, oscar, sleep

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