Government passes 3 point turn test

Oct 30, 2007 22:00

Well amongst all the other fun of the fair this bank holiday weekend the worry of surviving carless has been lifted (well sorta not including possible health related not driving things) thanks to our government's fundamental lack of a spine. After doing interview after interview digging himself steadily in deeper and deeper with his 'the gardai will not be out to prosecute anyone for at least three months' type statements which got to the point legal advisers were saying that it would be hard to make any prosecution stick if they wanted to our blessedly thick headed Minister for Transport has graciously decided to give us all a pass until June. The privileged provisional licenses will be replaced by proper learners' permits as they fall due and everyone on the list is guaranteed a test by March (woop de doo! she says with deep sarcasm). Still it is better than the previous 'everyone who cannot arrange alternative transport for all daily necessities over a bank holiday weekend is a criminal' solution we had before. I gather each and every one of us 120,000 people on the second provisional license rang their representatives, probably joined by mot of the 300,000 other people waiting for a test. In a country with less than 6 million total population isn't it nuts that the waiting list for a driving test is 420,000?!!

Meanwhile, back at the ranch. Baby Boy has more teeth and less sleep. DD is learning her letters like a good lass and throwing strops and kisses at the world rather indiscriminately. Took both to the park today and had several chances to feel lucky that I was their Mum and not one of the other misbehaved brats there. Always fun! ;) My sunny Baby Boy is developing a bitch of a temper these days though, and the little charmer was up at 5 again. Me hates daylight savings time! Am looking forward to going into hospital and having a fat bunch of sleep! 2 nights! Weeeee!

domestic, license, driving, health, sleep

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