Two of the cutest things ever crossed my path this week, although of rather different tones. never ceases to amaze me the incredible pumpkin art that is around at this time of year. Pharyngula even has a link to a pumpkin giant squid Enough of the links-spammage. Time to rivet you all instead with news of our exploits at chez wol. ... tumbleweed passing ... ah, right then. Actually we have been moderately busy, with two play dates for DD this weekend, one at a new soft play centre nearby and one at, gulp!, our house. Apart from the fact that Mr Wol and I are both feeling crappy still (it's gone to the tonsils now - yech!) we have had a semi-constructive weekend. DD is a bit in Gemini mode: ie. has been doing lots of art and showering us with love one minute and gone sullen and rude the next. Given my fragile state I cannot keep up all that well but as the sweet moments are outnumbering the sour by a good margin I am keeping it together. Tomorrow I should find out if any bacteria has cultured from my ghastliness and may be looking down the barrel of some targeted antibiotics ohpleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease!