Bits and pieces

Jun 09, 2006 14:09

Lots of little bits of sort-of-news rolled together to make one decent sized post.

1 - A Great Tit flew into our kitchen yesterday. All doors and windows on the back (south facing) sid eof our house are open to try and keep the hosue cool). DD was perched on the potty at the time and i was beside her so all we could do was stare. I had heard the telltale flutter of feather and was watching for it. It perched on a packet of teabags - good Irish bird obviously - and watched us watch it for at least 3 minutes. It was about 3 feet away from us. when it flew off out of the house - thankfully I did not have to herd it out with a tea towel or anything - I think DD was still wondering if she had really seen it or not.

2 - I have achieved the impossible and by dint of trying on every possible close fit and a few not even close fits I have found a bra that fits and is comfortable in Marks & Spencers. I wore it for three days as a test and then went back and ordered another. These should tide me over until I hit my target weight. My lovely comfy and not all that unsexy either ones from Bravissimo having got past the useful stage now my back is two inches narrower round.

3 - There were Christian clowns in the park last weekend. DD was delighted. A local Pentecostal group, seemingly all American, had brought fun and games and balloon animals and bible stories and US candy to the park. DD loved her balloon giraffe and showed it off almost militantly to all and sundry. The woman who made it was a bit taken aback to hear her say that she wanted to go to clown school when she grew up but hey. Can I just say though that American sweets are vile! I came away with a Tootsie pop that was supposed to be cherry flavour but Yuck! - does anyone else think they are reminiscent of wee? Mr Wol wants me to put in a word for Reece's peanut butter and chocolate combos in all their forms though but as I hate peanut butter they don't really help the situation.

4 - DD is still not very well. Her main symptom today though seems to be the capacity to hurt herself with ease and skill and to be all clingy and emotional and tired. We had a long discussion about how she couldn't really have bitten herself on the outside of her cheek. She was all ready to have a tantrum over this until I said that it was just like saying she could lick her own elbow - instant scientific testing of this hypothesis had to be initiated at that point and she was successfuly distracted from both the Ow! and the Wah!

tits, domestic

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