A vision for the Church of Ireland in Belfast City Centre?

Feb 01, 2011 02:11

It would be great if the Cathedral was doing an enormous family service at 11.30 every Sunday, a traditional Choral Mattins at 10 for the peepil whie like going to the Cethedrel, while round the corner St. George's was doing a High Church but not over the top Choral Mass at 11 for the arty literary set, the intellectuals, the gays and singletons and the REAL Anglo-Catholics, with good Anglican Choral Evensong at 5 popular with the Sunday shoppers and a late evening service of devotions, very trad and Anglo-Catholic.

This is the vision we should be working toward with Anglicanism in Belfast City Centre. It would be the best thing that happened to the Church of Ireland since disestablishment.

It is a vision we can achieve in the next decade with the right leadership and the right support. I know we are up for it in St. George's and I know with the right leadership the Cathedral is as well.

christianity, belfast, church of ireland, anglicanism

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