I posted a new contest on the book blog that I thought I would share here as well.
I re-did my layout again, but I do not like my header. I still want to use the photos my niece and I took back in the summer, but I suck in the creative department. So I'm opening up a contest!
Here are the details:
- Whoever makes the header I choose to display on the blog will win 2 books (under $15 each) of their choice from The Book Depository.
- As long as The Book Depository delivers books to where you live - you can enter!
- The only catch is that I would like the photos I took (see below) and my blog name to be used in the header. I don't care what you do with them, and you can also add images, re-size, re-crop, or whatever you would like to it.
- There is unlimited entires in this. Send as many as you'd like.
- All entries need to be sent to me via email: justyourtypicalbookblog@hotmail.com
- Contest will end March 21st at 11:59 pm central time.
If I end up with a tie - additional prizes will be offered up.
Click on the pictures to make them larger. (If that doesn't work here,
click this link to go the main site.)
Note: These pictures belong to me. Please do not use them anywhere else other than this contest. If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment or shoot me an email. Thank you!