Someone Watch Over Me-Prologue

May 16, 2009 16:28

It was late when Dean decided to drive back to the motel. He shook his head as he thought of his brother leaving the bar so early. He hated the fact that Sam was always so serious. His little brother never seemed to know how to have fun, how to lighten up and enjoy life a bit. And ever since Maddison's death he refused to date anyone.  No matter how many times Dean tried to hook him up with someone.

While he felt slightly guilty for having Sam stay all night by himself at the motel with nothing to do he tried to push that guilt out by telling him Sam had every oppurtunity to go to the bar with him. It wasn't Dean's fault that he didn't know how to party. But still...Dean didn't like the idea of his brother being alone with, just his thoughts, while he was at the bar having a good time. He tried to shake his worries away, but he couldn't stop the feeling that something was wrong. He pressed on the gas pedal and headed towards the motel.

As he got closer and passed a nearby alley he looked at it sharply as he thought he saw a figure huddled on the cold cement. An odd feeling surfaced inside of him and quickly he did a sharp u-turn. He froze when he finally drove up to the figure and swallowed.

"Sam," he whispered, fear lodging inside of him. "Sammy." He stumbled out of the car in shock. "No." His voice shook when he spoke as he knelt before his brother.

Sam's body laid limp on the floor. Blood was caked on his face and on his ripped clothes.  It had been clear that not only had he been beaten, but raped also.

"Oh God." Shock and pain was etched on Dean's face. "Sammy." He bent down to touch his brother.  Sam shook and let out a whimper. Pain and anger clouded Dean as his own hands were shaking. "Sh, Sammy, it's okay." He forced his voice to remain calm. "It's okay Sammy. It's me Dean. I'm not going to hurt you. No one is going to hurt you again."

Sam's shuddering body slowly remained still as Dean rubbed his back gently.  Slowly and carefully Dean started to pick him up.Sam whimpered again, and stiffened.

"It's just me, it's just me," Dean repeated as he gently walked to the car. He tried to keep his body from shaking in silent rage as he placed Sam in the back seat as softly as he could. From what he could tell, it didn't seem like Sam had any broken bones at least. He swallowed again as he got into the car. He knew he should go to the hospital. Sammy needed help...But, he couldn't risk them getting caught by the police. He could use a fake ID but that would get them into even more trouble if they were caught.

He closed his eyes, his hands clutching the wheel. He couldn't get over the fact that his little brother was raped. While he was at a Goddamned bar...Hated for himself filled him at the thought. While he was drinking and talking to woman this was happening to his brother. Tears sprang in his eyes and quickly he whiped them away. He stiffened, though, when he heard Sammy moan.

"Everything's going to be okay, Sammy," he said quietly. "Everything's going to be okay."

With that he pressed started the car and headed back towards the motel. Quickly, but carefully, he carried Sam into their motel room. Not caring about the mess he laid Sam down on the bed. Sam wouldn't stop shaking, or whimpering.

"it's okay, Sammy," Dean repeated  "It's okay."  With those words he sat next to Sam and gently ran his hands through his brother's hair while humming softly. "Nobody's gonna hurt you again," he added in a whisper. "I'll make sure of that."
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