Welcome to another Scheiler Uglacy update! Remember, the person who narrates it is only a fictional character who can't type and doesn't want to edit or think much, etc. Now let's get to it.
*cue opening narration music* High in the mountains of Summor Town, a luxurious log cabin lies cozily in the blankets of continuous snow. It is here that two twins, Mandy and Wendy Scheiler, strive to raise their children and fulfill their dreams aalongside their devoted husbands.
And now on to another household of baby choas iiiggghh! Well there's an end in sight at least! Like, we only need 3 more babies for the generation 8 and actually Mandy's pregannt so kinda just 2 more phew!
OK, so, refreshin mah memory on where the toddlers here stand. Timor Taz has already learned to potty becauze he's awesome like that. Zonia Zar wants to learn pottying next, so that's cool. Johnavon Zogg is just obsessed with his parents.
This is the state of the floors like everywhere! I can't wait until all of gen 8 is at more interesting ages!
MAndy wants a job. ANY JOB, lol! But we're waiting for the dumb education one so we can haz another smart learning bookshelf.
Well I found this thing in the catalog so I gave 1 to this house hold so their babies don't have to grow up bored outta their minds anymore, like when you try to watch the Leviathan storyline of Dark Shadows. (X
Speaking of boredom, the adults tried to sit thru a movie called Santa Clause Conquers the Martians (Me and Raelynn tried to watch it but it wasn't even lame and dumb in a good way, it was just plain lame and dumb, so we gave up on it!!), but it was so boring they talked through the whole thing and played a game of guess the future, who'll be heir(s) and who will be Ambassadors and where their next missions for the Community will take them. That kinda thing.
Yay we'll have actual kids soon!!!
Timor Taz: I'm sooooo lookinng 4ward to sleeping in an actual bed in a room where there isn't constant somebody whining!
LOL poor kid is always getting woken up by one of the others crying in their cribs!
It's the boring parenting stage right now u guys sorry.
Timor Taz drew pictures of the giant Kaiju that are gonna carry off his noisy siblings and cousins and put them in the corner if they don't shut up.
Zonia Zar is a total attention hog! She's got everybody paying attention to her allllll the time.
Oh good we're getting another one over with!
We actually need 2 more from Mandy and Nebula Starsailor so we'll use Trips&Quads and hope for no more then twins!
Nebulua Starsailar: I missed the whole thing didn't I?
Mandy: Yep/
Johnavon Zongg: U can have my memory of it dad!
It's a singleton, which means Mandy's gotta go thru 1 more pegnancy, and it's a girl! She got the same genetic combo as Johnavon Zogg. Not like it matters, but it's funner to get variety.
Her'es her birth certificate, so you can all bear witness to her amazing name. Remember that cute bracelet Mandy got that has the teeny butterfly on it? Well she really likes butterflies and that's how she got the name. (Actually it's from the name generator we used, RIP cool name generator you're missed!!)
I know this is a very Not COmmunity thing to say but I gotta be honest here, Johnavon scares me a little. I hope Teenie Butteflt won't be as scary.
Johnavon Zogg: FEEEEEEEEED ME.
So the next day Zukalu Oombu went to his first day on the job, and he got a chance card right off oh no! Well ok hope it goes well for him. He wouldn't risk feeding artificial fish, that's like when u buy cheap brands of cat food that have things like corn meal as the 1st ingredient, they don't get any nutrition from it and it's not nourishing or satisfying so they're not nourished or satisfied. So he'd go and get the real thing.
Yaaay it turned out good!
But getting a promotion on your 1st day on the job ain't good enough for Zulaku.
Zonia Zar: Them's the breaks, kid.
he's gonna be drawing some more Kaiju soon.
Tomir Taz: That's it! I can't take anymor! I'm running away from home!
Well more like crawling away but lol, that's the way to the backyard!
Wendy also got a promotion today! I don't care what Zulakl says, it's been a good day!
Timor Taz decided the whole running away from home thing would work better if he learned how to walk forst.
Johnavon Zogg: Well I rather prefer the simplicity of going in my pants but whatever.
Gettin some last minute toddler skilling/aspiration points in.
Cuz it's Birthday Extrabaganza Time!!!!
That's as syncornized as this birthay's gonna get yall! We woulda squeezed Lacey Lizzy in too but she wasn't ready. That means she gets her own celebration, which is p clever of her isn't it! ZOnia Zar is going to be jealous of her little sisters ingeniuty at getting more attention.
They all got this many points, Zonia's a little behind and I was trying to picture economize.
So now let's see what the kids look like!
Timor TAz. LOL he's great! He's mostly Zukalu, but his face is way low on his head like Wendy,s, and he got her ears.
I accidentally unpaused the game and he went running all over the place at top speed, so I finally caught up with him to get a profile pic! 2 thumbs up!
Zonia Zar! XD These kids are sooooo happy! I couldn't get a pic of them *not* smiling! She's mostly wendy but with Zukalu's mouth and placement of face.
OK and now I'll be brave and look at Johnavon:
OH! You know what, I think he's not quite, and a little less, at this age! So that's good now I can stop feeling guilty for not practicing what I preach lol!
Except his profile is a little worse than it was, and the shape of his head is just everything!
Now I gotta do my homework so I'll just hurry and do Lacey Lizzy's bday. Her strategy of having her own party worked.
Oh and in case you're wondering who the woman in the dress and hair bun is, that's Phaendra Zenka Nordhauser
. She's part of the COmmunity Outreach Program in the valley of Summer Town and also NEbula's coworker.
Birthday cake photo to transiton her and you to her next stage of life...... (yeah Johnavon's still obsessed with his parents)
Lacey Lizzy: My party was not as big and extrabagane as Ienvisioned it to be. The whole world was supposed to attend ):):):):
Wow she's so frowny compared to her siblings! She's the 1st to get her mom's mouth and chin, and the rest of her is Zukalu. Oh and the nose is Wendy's too. She also inherited special hair, cuz her dad's is and Wendy's is forever shifting. Except it's stayed in place lately, probably because this stage in her life while she's having babies, maybe her body is reserving changes for the kind that a woman's body has to go thru to give new life, know what I mean?
And there's her frowny frown profile!
HEr personality is a lot like Zonia Zar's, so they'll eather really like or really hate each other. I hope it'll be really like.
It looks like the boy cousins are gonna be besties. They immediately ran free in the mysteries of the snowy night.
Then something scandalous happened! Phaendra Zenka Nordhaousen, who is herself married, tried to start an affair with Nebula!! No wonder she came home from work with him! This is sooo shocking! Fortunately Nebula is too loyal to Mandy and the Community and the cause, and he said no. I hope she'll be too chagrinned to come back.
Omgosh u guys it is sooooo nice to only have 2 babies at home! Now I'm really starting to understand parents and I feel like I'm betraying myself!
Oh no Zkula gets all the chance cards! Well I think he'd get in trouble for letting it go and everything, don't u? So he'd better not.
Zukalu: I got a promotion and I'm the awesomest!
Yeah you're special alright just don't yell so loud you start an avalanche.
Zukalu: I'm also dying of starvation and these snowflakes aren't helping!
Zulaku: I think if I feed this baby I'll be ok! :D
Mandy: Zukalu I made sandwiches you can eat some!
U know what? I'mma sit back and let him figure it out for himself, see if he can. Oh no I'm turning into an evil Simmer like Sam! O:O:O:O:O: I blame Farren Duckling! That guy drove me crazzy and I didn't even care what happened to him!!!!
OK he did! Nice to know he's not that stupid.
I guess where putting a baby on the floor is involved, Sims can figure anythng out.
Aaaaaaannnd hat's all for this time, I hope you can tell, LOL! NEwayz I think there's only 1 more update in this round I played!!!! Oh no sorry guys, I promise I'll try to fit in some more simming sooooon! This generation's taking 9tybilliontyforevarz Lol!! OK c u next time and enjoy your holidays and stuff K!!!