Hi there! It's time for a Scheiler Uglacy Bonus Megaupdate! It earns the title of "Megaupdate" because MK'la + Anakin + 128 pictures! Enjoy, brave souls!
*cue opening narration music* A clear and warm night stands guard over the peaceful island of Isla Tropicana, and most of its inhabitants can sleep safe and secure. But one troubled young man stands looking to his future, as if poised on the edge of a sword. If he falls one way, the Dark Side will claim him forever, but if he falls the other, the Light must consume and destroy him before he can do more harm. Now thinking only of his family's good name, he chooses to turn himself over to the Light, and hope they will show him mercy.
Ankain: Um hi my name is Anakin Irish Schieler, and I'm looking for help. I've done terrible things! And just look at the way I'm dressing myself now! Who knows what I'm gonna do next if I'm not stopped!! )))))):
I......am Landru. I know who you are, troubled soul, and I know what you've done. It is because you are among the grandsons of Kult Friday that I will call off my Lawgivers, and we shall not obliterate you. I shall give you one chance to be absorbed into the unity of the body, where you might join the greater good and find peace and contentment. If you cannot, then you will have to be excised as a contagion to the body. It will be regrettable, because loss of any life is a great sorrow, but the good of the body must prevail, or all will fall to chaos.
Anakin: Yes I understand that I wanna try but I don't feel peace in my heart what must I dooooo??
Landru senses that there is great evil at work here and much to be done and it will be the challenge of his intergalactic peace brokering career. But fortunately for Anakin, Kult Friday is Landru's friend, so Landru will make the effort. It pays to have well-placed friends.
He hopes to get off on the right foot with the Lawgivers too. And Clarko. And he hopes to earn Kheanouvu's trust. He thinks being a werewolf might do the trick, because it's like taking on a whole new life and life form, and he hopes it will open his mind to new and better ways of being. His fears reflect his old ways and thought patterns. Sam told me I'm starting to sound like a Tarot reading. O: They read the cards on Dark Shadows tho, so I'm taking that as a compliment!
So they got to work on him. He put on the uniform and shaved off the hairstyle that made him feel like Dark Anakin, then Landru invited him to a game of Mahhjong to help him get settled in.
Ankain: So I noticed there's no TV around here. Is there any medication to help us prisoners get thru our retraining?
Landru: Television and drugs are two of the ancient evils that plague this world.
Anakin: So I'm guessing that means no.
Landur: You poor misguided child. I have many tasks for you to complete in your process. If you fail, you will be excised.
Landru: These are your fellow prisoners. You already know one of them, because you tempted her into your so-called Frienemy Club. Her presence will be a particularly difficult test for you to pass.
Anakin: Yeh, I already feel like slapping and shoving her ):):):):):)
Landru: The other prsioner is clarko, you'll find him challenging too, cuz he thinks he knows everything. If you can make friends with these two, you will be well on your way to refurming.
Anakin: Gulp.
Lanrdu: Anyway, every morning at 6am prisoners report for morning exercise and meditation, followed by breakfast which will be served by one of the day shift LAwgivers. Study time will follow.
Anakin: I don't think I'm gonna like it here. Mommee!
LOL not gonna change Clarko's athletic wear!
They got to shower and have breakfast after their morning workout.
Anakin: So, kissed anybody?
Clarko: Not lately. We're not allowed Festival activities on the compound. Sides, the only one available is Chaz, and......
Anakin: Yeah, say no more.
Now the prisoners are studying stuff that will help them make better lives for themselves and the ppl around them, according to what Landru thinks they need to learn. Anakin is s tudying anger management. (X (And in case you're wondering, Chaz is learning lifelong happiness and Clarko's reading about couples counseling.
Then it's dinnertime for the prisoners.
Anamkin: Hey remember those times we beat the crap outta each other? Well that's partly why I'm here.
Lights out! Soooo now u know Anakin's basic routine . From here on I'll only show u highlights of his stay in prison so we can mark his progress.
A couple of Lawgivers compared notes on the weirdness of their new prisoner.
Anakin likes Yoga better. It allows him to fullfull the twists and turns of his mind with his body instead.
I dunno Anakin, are u really? Anyway, that's the 1st task complete that LAndru set him. Now that he maybe knoews how to handle his anger, he's maybe ready for the next task:
Anakin: So Chaz, now That I'm beginning to see the air of my ways, I owe you an apology for sucking u into them.
Anakn: But you of all people should know what it's like when the Dark Side grips your mind, and you find yourself doing crazy things!
Chaz: Well yeah, I see ur point. It's how we both ended up in here after all.
Ankain: Oh thank you for understanding! Landru will be pleased with us both.
Landru's next task for Anakin is to apologize to all his frienemies and try to make amends with them. Except we prolly won't be able to find Aaron the STreaker or Aaron the Cow Person, I think his name is Aaron too, but he can apologize to all the others, thus releasing their souls from the darkness of his darkest days.
She still wants to see him dead tho, cuz she's Chaz. She's also pretty firm in her LTR hatred of him. I don't know how hard we're gonna work on reversing the frienemies thing. I mean like, the whole reason I did it was cuz it's easier to make enemies then friends, and I thought it'd be a funny way to play his boring 10 Nest Friends LTW. So like, trying to make friends with all the ppl the game considers his enemies would be way ironic and make all my previous game play null and void and a waste of time. Soooooo, I'll prolly just have him apologize to his frienemies as many times as it takes to make the interaction disappear from the pie menu, then maybe give them a gift or do something nice for them or something? Yeah that sounds OK.
Clarko still thinks he's the center of the universe. I don't know if or when LAndru will ever release him from jail.
Wilile: Maybe I'd rather come work for Landru? I dunno. Prolly bein a lawgiver ain't much better.
LAndur: Congrats. You've done well so far and you've earned your first outing.
Anakin: Thanks Landru thanks!
Landru: You will now search for those souls you call "Friemeny" and release them from your bad mojo. If you do well you will earn another outing, next time with a Lawgiver. If you continue to do well then your outings may be unsupervised. At that point tho, be aware that I will still know of any regression on your part, and consequence always follows action.
Ankaian: OK I will do my best.
Well good job Anakin I hope u can keep Landru's approval.
He did some peaceful and meditatiave fishing, like a metaphor to catching and releasing his frienemies. It was mental prep.
OMGosh u guys, look at this cute frog that Sam put on the lilypad thing!
Tex Toro came by!
Anakin: I don't think I'll ever be able to.
Tex Toro: Don't give up, man! It only takes that one dream date! And, you know, some semblence of sanity. You'll get there!
Tex is a nice and positive person.
Landru took him to the Ahhhh!Cade where he took pictures of himself to always remind himself that he had to go to jail for his wrongdoing and to remember to never put himself in this position again!
Landru supervised while talking to Lhoke Nordhaoused while Anakin found and apologized to another Frienemy. Anakin owed Otis 15 apologies before Otis finally got bored and left the lot. XD Chaz only needed like two I think which is way weird considering it's Chaz! So anyway that's 2 frienemies released from soul bondage. Anakin's doin pretty good.
Time passed. Anakin learned and grew, and so did his hair. Start growing, that is hahaha! He went on more supervised outings.
He thought that learning to fire dance would be a great outlet to the danger feelings he feels calling within him, insteada goin around trying to recruit ppl to the Dark Side, you know?
But he was a little embarased that every1 was watching. P.S. Learning the fire dance takes like 7 katrillion years but if you have a problematic Sim like Anakin it keeps him outta trouble so I guess I'd reccommend it.
He finally got there and did a duet with the fire dancer/instroctur. He thinks he might be able to use this to entertain at parties if he ever gets out.
Anakin: As this random guy as my witness, I apologiez to you like a thousand times for being mean to you and fighting with you and making you my dark apprentice! Please don't let me ruin your life forever and see the wrongness of your ways before it 's too late!!
Ooooh, look who he got to apologizie
to! His primest enemy, vice president of his frienemy club, the one who kicked it all off for him!
He apolozied him all the way off the lot, lol!
He felt his life energies neutralizing and centralizing. It was a clean feeling.
Back at Landru's compound he learned stuff.
We learned that Landru and his LAwgigvers ain't fishkeepers. \:
LAwgivber #2's been either working or Festivaling too hard.
Anakin continued to enjoy his sunrise yoga.
Ian was a concerned grandpa guy and stopped by for regular reports on ANakin's progress. Nobody wants ppl like Darth Vader, Sauron or Voldemort as their grandson.
Lawgiver took Anakin on another supervised visit to look for Frienemies to reliease, this time to Patrick's Pankcake Planet, where everybody likes to hang.
Watch out Ian and Pyson, you haz comp, LOL!
This is a nice shot of the valley of Summer Town.
Anakin: Greetings eldest brother!
Pyson: Hello mixed up young brother. I hear you're making progress.
Anakin: Yeh, kinda.
Anakin: Hey man, don't glare at me like that, k? I'm s till really sorry about everyhting I did. And if u hang onto it, then you're hurting yourself a lot more then me.
I keep forgetting kites are a thing in this game. It made his spirit feel free.
He has chem w/ Huberta XD
Anakin: Hey I'm sorry I treated you bad, but in your case it was prolly because u look like a demon or Satan or somebody.
Lucifer Drinkwine: Yeah, I get that all the time. No idea why tho
His efforts to improve are becoming more noticeable to others.
Anakin found his cousin Artsy Macklin again. Or is this the 1st time they've seen each other since they were both at home in Arenanueva? Anyway, yeah, they bumped into each other.
Mack is a good guy and put in a good word to the Lawgiver to take to Landrud for Anakins' release from jail so he can get on with his duties to the Community and stuff. Anakin totally appreciated the character reference.
Now back to the pancake house, where a Frienemy is found and all sortsa inappropriate things are going on in the bg.
Anakin: PLz let me start my apologizing process with you ok? We've got relatives in common, we're practically family.
Shelly: Um don't push it OK??
He pologized like 6000 times and then his outing expired and the Lawgiver took him back to jail to report his findings.
OMGOSH this is sooooooo weird! Sam said she was just wishing Anakin could run into MAndy on his next outing while he doesn't fear becoming a werwolf, cuz he also wants to be a werewolf and Mandy would maybe savage him. And then the game froze for a few secs, and here she is!!!! For the timeline we'll say this is while she was expecting Johnavon Zoggo.
AMndy: Bein pregnant aint easy and don't u forget it!!
She arrived too early for visiting hours, but LAndru kept her entertained.
3 down, 3 to go I think. Has anyone in Simming history ever used the couples counseling skill thing, do u think? Cuz Sims are p good at not getting caught cheating and p good at keeping their relationships good. It's getting to the toilet in time that they're not so good at.
Visiting hours commenced.
Mandy: Hello brother Mom wanted me to come check on you and see how you're doing.
Ankann: Glad to c u sis
Anakin: So the LAwgivers are p weird right??
Mandy: I totally noticed lolololollo!
Um well we found out that prolly Mandy can't savage anyone or whatever it's called while she's parangent, cuz the option never showed up no matter what (yeah we cheated and made her controllable so what), so we'll just pretend like she did, and now he's a werewolf too.
Then visiting hours were over, amd Mandy took her totally iconic leave.
Clarok: OMGosh I'm way too bored to have fun whattmagunnadoooooo????
Ewww how much you wanna bet he's naked under that robe yuck!!!!
Anakina: Hey man I noticed u were bored outta ur mind Red Hands always helps when my skull is numb with bored
Clarko: Hey cool thanks!
Landru will be pleased that Anakin is thinking of others and wanting to help in their plights, no matter how stupid they are.
OK so more time passed, and more hair grew back on Anakin's head. Landru decided to see how he'd do on his first unsupervised outing.
Looks like he needs more jail time.
He talked to garbage. Yeah he's Anakin that's all I can say.
This is his werewolf self pretty fierce huh?
So in his journeyings he went to the Autumn Chlls farm and wanted to see if the fates were yet pointing him in the right direction.
He thought that sounds VERY encouraging.
Matt doesn't think Anakin is too repenetent. I guess we shoulda expected Anakin to be tempted to use his new Grrr! power for dark amusement.
Things got a little scarier than anticipated at Automn Chills Farm for poor Bryson Patch Nordhaousen.
Anakin felt dark forces trying to tempt him back, so he tried to refocus his purpose by watching the hypnotic flames of the campfire. Hopefully he didn't see the kinda stuff Angelique sees when she looks into flames.
Willine: I dunno why Barnabas wants me to do it, but I'll do it.
Willie finds himself saying that alot. And I can actually hear his voice in my head! XD
Anakin: GRRRRR!!!!
Willie: SCREEEEEEEAAAAAAMMMMMM!!! Aww c'mon what'ja do that for??
Anakin that was just mean! Willie has all kindsa past traumas! Ofc he was also a horrible bully who p much deserved the big old humble pie that Barnabas totally ground his face into, but this sorta regression is not helpful for Anakin. Maybe being a wereolf if too much of a responsibility for him, at least at this juncture in his rehabilitation.
Aridane looks elvishly exotic and mysterious as a beautiful maxis MAtch teen in my game. Oh and Anakin decided he'd better report back to jail.
LAwgiver: I believe our inmate has something he wishes to say to you.
Urslual: Yeah well what if I'm not interested in hearing it!
Kanakin: I'm sorry I've polluted your bloodline with my existence!
Grrrsula: That's a start.
Anakin: And I'm sorry i inducted u into my Frienemy club!
URsula: I never considered myself part of your insane, childish club in the first place. Did you ever see me at one of your ridiculous meetings? Of course not.
Anakin: And......well......I'm reallyreallyreally sorry!
Ursula: How many more of these foolish apologies must I stand here and endure?
4 down 2 to go! He also has 2 more Frienemies left to release, and then Landru will release him to the custody of his trustworthy family.
U know what kind of ppl u are when this is your main topic of convo.
Ankain: Uhhh......well......the honest answer is no.
Amakin was glad there was someone more delusional then him.
Frankie: Um hello your door seems to be preventing me from coming in all the way??
He's pleased with his life progress.
Pyson: LOL u guys don't tell Liberty Summer I think so K?
Wow what messes could Pyson and Grace come up with?!?!? Oh yeah obvz Anakin got another day pass so he can go spread good instead of evil.
He taught a tai chi class and Douglas Magpie looks amazing!!XD
Xavier was there cuz he wanted to tell Anakin not to give up when he feels like regressing cuz he sometimes still thinks about gluteology.
OMGosh u guys Sky Tyme Deeds and Romeo Hemp Whipple are a thing! Either that or he's trying to live up to his name.
Oh good a Frienemy to aplologize to and set free!
Anakian: Hey Moody I'm really sorry I got u involved in my club, I've been the moody one! I'm sorry!!
Moody: Hey, don't worry about it, we all do dumb things we regret.
Good old Moody! She totally isn't her name!
Anakin: Oh good then we're no longer Frienemies
OK nvm she actually is! But it's Anakin she's dealing with, so it's understantable.
Turns out she had a lot to say on the matter.
Yeah, it was suddenly Festival all over the place. Anain thought he'd better be gettin back to jail cuz he wasn't sure he had LAndru's permission to join in. He doesn't want his sentence added to.
I was looking at what of those life skills or whatever they're called that Clarko's learned so far, and I found this disturbing fact! He's obsessed with the Scheilers, especially Mandy and Wendy it looks like. Oh and I didn't get a screenshot but ACR says he wants Mandy now!! OMGOSH HE IS SOOOOO GROOOSSSSSS. If Andrew wasn't watchig him so closely, he'd probably be casting spells to make Mandy and Wendy belong to him eewwwwewewewewewewewewwww! But Mandy could fight back with her good magic at least, and she'd totally protect her twin. SO HA HA CLARKO U CAN'T WIN ANYWAY.
SO OK I think he has just 1 more life skill thing to learn. He's totally nearing the end of his jail sentence!
BTW they adopted this dog. He keeps coming back to Landru's compound/jail, so why not? His name is Selby, which is one of the Ducklings' cats names too! And I finally found out why Sam named the cat Selby and put the name in her name mod. It's for David Selby who played Quentin Collins and a coupla other roles she liked him in. She told me she didn't tell me before cuz it wouldn'ta meant anything to me anyway. So now I know and it makes sense to me!!
Look how cute he is? He deserves a home esp, since he's a senior dog. Like most ppl think it's sad to adopt a senior pet cuz they wouldn't have as many years with them as a young pet, and it's sad when your pet dies, but senior pets are so totally deserving of being pampered for what time they have left, and not have to be homeless and unloved!!
Except then I looked to see how long he has left and he's actually an adult? Then how come his fur looks like when Maxis turns a pet elder? Wow, then how much greyer will he be when he IS a elder??
Awww, he's too cute! He can stay anyway.
Shelley actually haz a lot of problems besides Anakin and Blaze Logstopper so I think maybe she needs some rehabilitation time here. As soon as Anakin leaves tho, cuz his presence wouldn't be good for her rehab.
And then more time passed, and Anakin's hair got p thick. Now he's studying his final life skill, so theoretically he could be handy to have around. The question is, Will he be after he gets let outta prison, or will the Dark Side call to him once more? O:O:O:O:O:O:O: You'll hafta keep reading the Uglacy to find out!!
And then the evening finally came when Anakin was invited upstairs into the main compound for his celebratory dinner. Landru was pleased with his work and said he would soon be "graduating." Wish I could! from high school that is. Anakin was beside himself, he hoped he wouldn't let Landru down. Becuase that might mean extraction.
Landru thought he should have a chance to adjust to normal home-type surroundings instead of jail cells and stuff, so he spent the night studying cooking. He wants to be an asset to Mack and Rumi's household when he joins it.
OH NO MONIEZ Sam moaned, lol! Landru's household has like 431925 simoleans cuz it's Sam's maintenance lot so ppl come and go alot and stuff, so Anakin's already gonna take a huge chunk of that when he leaves, so he doesn't really need more money. But when you're a terrible burden to everyone around you, you prolly should at least have a lot of money to throw around, so the ppl around you will kinda feel like they're being paid for their effort in putting up with you. BTW the fates gave him 20000 Simoleans.
Soooooo anyway, 1 last outing to see if we can release the final Frienemy. Anakin's usually hungry for breakgast so we always go to Patrick's Pancake Planet.
OMGOsh u guize and then Indus did his thing and manstrutted up to Bolton and flirthed with her! I TOTALLY SHIP IT LOLOLOLOLOLOL!! But the Friemeny didn't show up there so we had to scout around some more. if she doesn't show up p soon I'mma totally cheat her into existence so we can finish this cuz it's already taken a long time and like I already took way more pictures of this then I thought I was gonna!
Apollo: Oh, look, an escapee from Landru's jail, hahahahah1
Isaac: The boy is quite a character, as well. He attempted to recruit my wife into a rather lulzy club. Their meetings must have been priceless! I do wish he'd inducted me.
Anakin: Hey aren't u my BIL?
NEbula Starsailor: Yeh
MK'la: *observes and records, but never interferes*
OMhosh I've never seen this message b4! Anakin's rep is totally getting better!
Alright so the final frienemy ain't gonna show so time to whip out the old cheating powers! Look Sam! All your FF characters on the same page thing, awwwwh! Well xcpt for Kerrie McBibbins. That's the former maintenance lot personnell before Sam put Landru in mah hood. She gave her the last name McBibbins cuz that's what she called her cat Quinn if u remember. Oh wait Jeremy's missing, too bad!!
Anaiak: I have summoned you here with my newfound powers of good to tell you how sorry I am for being mean and indoctrinating you into my then way of life. I hope u weren't in the middle of a final. Hopefully just a really boring class.
KyliaVi: Yeah don't worry about it, you totally got me out of a boring class, thx!!
KyliaVi: And that's for old times sake, lol!
She might not be ready to let go of the old ways.
For apologizing? I'm thinking KyliaVi isn't all that reasonable. Landru might hafta keep an eyes on her.
Anakkin: But I'm sorry! REALLY I AAAAMMMMM
He apologized until she decided her boring class would be a more interesting use of her time.
Then hback at the jail he finished learning about his last life lesson thing. And just in time, Landru said mysteriously and knowingly. For fate was fast afoot!
Someone from Anakin's past came knocking at Landru's door, asking for help. It was Kheanouvu Almassy with her baby daughter. The father was
that jerk who came between Anakin and Kheanouvu the night they met while Anaking was still in college. He didn't want responsibility for his daughter, so he ran off and left them! See I knew he was a jerk! Landru opened his door to them, and being all knowing and stuff, he hinted to Kheanouvu that she had come at just the right time, and a surprise awaited her inside.
Here's the daughter. Isn't she koooooot?? Her name is Aeridaecia Almassy. Kheanouvu would not give the name of that no good loser Mayhew Pederson to her girl since he ran off like a total loser.
Landru offered to babysit cuz he thought Kheanouvu would be a little distracted.
K E W T !
Kheanouvu stepped into the compound, and her breath was taken away by the sight before her. There was Anakin, looking like she had never seen him before. Gone was the dark aura that had swirled around him like storm fog obscuring the view of a fragile ship. He looked so normal, so right. There eyes met, he smiled, and then they fell into each other's arms. Landru's blessing was upon them, magnifying their moment.
Anakin: Kheanouvu, I've changed. I know that love is what's important, not hate. I once had a vision of my life mapped out before me, and now that I see it again through different, clearer eyes, it's much better. Will you take a chance with me, come join my Community, where we will love and accept you and your daughter, if you will love and accept us?/?
Kheanouvu's heart was so touched, and she could feel that it was the right destiny for her to take for herself and Areidaceia. She could not speak, but she gave him her answer loud and clear.
And that's the end of Anakin's story of his journey back to the light!
Landru gave them all the money he's collected, because he knew the Scheilers of the Community would put it toward their noble works.
OK that was great, and such a happy ending and stuff! Now for some Bonus images! Cuz Sam was doing some kind of maintenance or something:
Look how true to character! What's not true to character tho (unless he'd been talking to Maggie!) is that Willie is platimun aspiration right now! He earned a ton of aspiratoin points when he was at the Autumn Chills farm that one time.
And oh my gosh, look what else happened!!!!!!!:
Shelely reported for prison and fell in love with Clarko! OMGOSH I can't tell u guys how funny this is and how much I ship it! It's too ridiculous not to! They're like the worst couple ever, and they'd have horror children!
OK now that's all cuz I'm all outta pics! But I'm gonna be playing again like maybe next week, so I'll have more updates for u guys as soon as I can K? OK Byeeeeeee!!!And take care and stuff!!