Finished product. [x-posted here and there]

May 05, 2007 19:53

Fandom: Supernatural / Resident Evil
Title: Project Mayhem
Rating: Well, there's graphic violence and future smut, so I'll go with a safe NC17.
Author: Lizi
Pairing: Sam/OFC, Dean/OFC
Warnings/Spoilers: If you're up to date on the show, you should be spoiler free (plus, the fact that I'm a recently hooked Supernatural fan, so Wikipedia has been my friend when it came to this fic). As for warnings, there's gratuitous violence and Resident Evil style gore. And cursing. And smut. I'm a bad girl. =P
Author's Note: My apologies in advance if there are horrid OOC moments for the boys. Like I said, I'm new to the show. Also told from a narrator's POV. Thanks to jo_winchester for the banner.
Total Words : 33,036 in nine chapters.
Summary: I hate summaries, lol. So, I'll leave this blank.

Click the banner to get there.

crossovers, fanfiction

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