Dec 15, 2004 23:15
I'm sick. It sucks.
Yesterday, Tuesday, I woke up with a kind of sore throat, but went to school anyway. By third period I was in pain from just swallowing, and I had to do a RS presentation, but I did it anyway. I laid my head on the table through math, and kind of slept, then borrowed Mr. Barys's pillow after class and didn't eat lunch cause it hurt too much. Then during study for an hour and directed study for another hour and 15 I slept on the corner next to the maintenance room on floor.
When I got home I took my temperature, 100.4. Great. I tell my mom I'm not going to school tomorrow, and she gets me a doctor's appointment at 10:45 the next morning. (Today).
I slept the whole afternoon then managed to eat some Ramen noodles. I also got the chills and kept shaking three comforters on my bed. I woke up about every hour through the night because I was uncomfortable. I got up about 9 the next morning and took a shower, then went and laid on my mom's bed some. Temperature - 101.4.
Then I get up to go finish dressing for the doctor. After I put on pants, a shirt, a jacket, and a scarf on top of my long underwear I instantly feel nauseas, and go throw up in the toilet. Delicious.
Then I go to the doctor, and she does a poke-the-back-of-your-throat strep test and it comes back negative. She thinks it really looks like strep so she does another one - negative. Then she decides to test for mono, even though I haven't been around anyone with it since Laura Fenton last year. The nurse pricks my finger with the little pen thing to get blood, and then cause I heal fast it stops bleeding. So she has to prick me again. They test that, and it's negative. So then she just decides to do a full blood test from the arm. I'm fine with it, because I've gotten used to needles, but it's still annoying. That test I won't know about till tomorrow, so she gives me antibiotics like I have strep or tonsillitisor something, and sends me home. Then I go to WalMart and get my prescription. I also get a milkshake on my way home.
It hurts to swallow just saliva, so no matter how thirsty or hungry I am I haven't really. Today I've had, half a milkshake, some water now and then, and half of one of those snack-size Jello containers. I've also spent probably 18 hours of the day in bed. About 8 o'clock I take my temperature again, and guess what? Despite the antibiotic and five Motrins I've taken, it's gone up to 102.2.
It sucks when you have to wince in pain everytime you swallow, even just saliva. I'm not going to school tomorrow either. If I go Friday I'm screwed, because unless I feel good tomorrow I have a Math POW, Tech Writing paper, and a Physics Friday Problem that will be due. And I'm screwed even if I don't go Friday because I can't turn them in next week... school is out. Perfect timing. Oh well, I'm gonna go sleep again.