try and watch that video, and if you are against this, then add you name! (if you dont... YOUR ONE SICK BASTARD!!!)
1) Zach
3.>Box man
4) lil squirt
5.) the poor baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6. Cruel yes, mistitled yes. I didnt see any bunnies, I did see some racoon lookin things and dogs.
7. I am a vegetarian and against animal cruelty, This just makes me want to fuckin kill those people doing this - aly -
8) elliott god they are so cruel
9)Kayla-man i cried an ocean when i saw this! its soo horrible! how can people actually do that to a poor little innocent animal!?!?!
10) kristin- im already part of the street team.<3
11) Caroline
12) JD
13) Teri
14) Jackie (I'd advise anyone who has a weak stomach NOT to watch the video...I almost cried and I couldn't finish it!!)
15) sasha -
16. Bridgette- i havent been a vegitarian for so long for nothing!
17. Victoria ( i could barely finish seeing that..)
18 kenneth- if i was there i would do that to them i mean what the fuck
19Mercedes-i couldnt even watch the whole thing
20. Kitana- Those ppl need to be stoped!!!!
21. Karrington- Thats fucking crazy. and wrong too.
22::lindZ:: ima kill em. dont hurt the bunnies!!
23:Yang:that is so messsed up i cant believe this actually happens
24:xtian:: that was hella sadd mayn. = (
26. Kylah
27. Sam