But what is the right thing? I have no idea.
Two interviews down from last week. I think they both went well, and yet bad.
I've discovered with the core lab position, which I've now interviewed for 3 times, that there is a concern over why I keep applying and if I really want the job *head desk* I don't know how to convey my desire to be in a stable and organized work space that is low stress and everyone seems to respect the other lab workers work space. It makes be wonder if the pay is lower than what I get now, but I think that I was so nervous the first time and confident the second that it has people confused. But it kind of has me wondering if I want to work there too. If they don't see me wanting the job, maybe they are right and see something in me that I don't.
The second job I wasn't expecting to get an interview for. So I was surprised when I got it. After interviewing I think I would like doing the job. Going back to a genetic research lab sounds great. It's not a big lab and the boss sounds as OCD in the lab as I do. I may even get the chance to work with some of the GIS software that I learned when I was in graduate school, software I have never had use for since graduating. It would also get me back east, and it's still on a coast. Like right there. Sadly, I don't have the funds to move back that way right now. ;-; If B and I had listened to his gut feeling of not wanting to go home for the holiday, he just didn't want to see everything that he is missing being out here, we would have money to move. Right now we don't. We could probably charge a U-haul and get over there, but then we have to find either an apartment and those seem in no supply in the area, or find a house which goes back to not having any money saved up.
I need to stop thinking on both of these. If I don't get them, then I'm just stuck in this current job that I hate and everyday feels like I'm one step closer to a burn out. I guess if I don't get the core lab I can just keep looking for other jobs in this area. I just hate being here. And I really need to stop thinking about the VA job because it is both unlikely that I would be offered and unlikely that I would be able to get there.