Nov 05, 2006 13:21
Ok lately my mom has had this idea to fix up the house for a while now! I said ok wut ever, so I rearranged my room and we fixed the outside wall and isulated the majority of the windows. Well the lady across the street with 2 rottwielers whose house burnt down stopped by. Well next thing ya know she is moving in the end of this month!!!!!! OK kewl I said cuz she is a sweetheart. So that current situation is leaving this house with 4 people and 9 animals..ok. My sister is 6 months behind on her house payment and will probably get kicked out so my mom is cleaning the upstairs for my sister, her hubby, and 2 daughters. Well thats kewl because I love those girls and my sister has 2 dogs also...ptttthhhh. A lil more effort was put in because we have to basically redo my whole house. Kewl cuz its about time. lol...That situation will leave us at 8 people and 11 wow!!!!! My grandma gets heart surgery this month and it doesnt make any sense because even the doctors said she may not make it because she only has a half of a lung, emphazema, and 75% oxygen with or without. That sux becasue I love my grandma like no other..Anywho yeah..Im not complaining I just wanted to get the stuff goin on at home out in the open. Sorry this was soooo long..Ill go for ya!!
Love always,
Sammy Jo