Liscense to Quill

May 20, 2005 16:55

The blood spills out of my past
And onto this page
These words
These ideas, concepts, and confessions.
I can’t escape them.
I can’t escape myself.
I am a prisoner of my own hands.
Held up by my own convictions.

these hands tug at my soul
untying the knots releasing painful truths
while chafing these palms on coarse ropes made of lies
my hands keep pulling
until red droplets in every shade
splatter onto the blank page.

a desperately clenched fist. not enough, never enough.
my fingers quiver weakly at my own pathetic reality,
my own blood, my life, my mind, my soul
manifested in these crimson letters.
the deceptions, the unadorned truths,
told on this pale surface.
the invented me, the unfeigned me.

So I try to crawl out
scratching on this surface trying to find my way out
of these college-ruled bars.
I'm being stretched to fit a standard
--black ink and white paper.
My hands skilfully scribe its way free
I'll write 'till I'm blue in the face
until my blood clots your mind
with my own living experience.
Death threats, love letters, ransom notes before I pass out
I'll chain you to these until
my blood dries to the permanent brown.

-Sammy Jenkis
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