Dec 12, 2007 00:19
I've been stressed. I've had a shit ton of work to do and I've only slowly been chipping away at the pile. I thought I was going to have 0 money for Christmas gifts but apparently the book store wanted my books back. Today has been very hectic and stressful, but it's been an amazing day. Here are a list of reasons why.
Tuesdays this semester have been long and shitty and this was the last.
I can actually buy shit for people this Christmas and am feeling confident.
I got to kick off my late, late Christmas shopping with buying Jess's gift!
I was invited to go see Darjeeling Limited with one of my coworkers (Monica).
Danny came too, which was perfect because he's the only person I know to rival me in Wes-Anderson-boner-dom.
Darjeeling Limited was amazing and it was a great time to hang out with Monica and Danny.
And although I almost died driving home about 3 times, I got the perfect day ender in my email when I arrived in my room. The letter of recommendation for the NESCom Scholarship from my Marketing Instructor. Jesus, she is way too kind.
Now to cram and pray for a B+ on my TV2 exam.