AiW 2010

Mar 05, 2010 04:06


We got to theater nearly 4 whole hours in advance, LOL. One group was there at 6:30 o_O But good thing we showed up when we did or we wouldn't have had the awesome seats that we did.
Aside from a few annoying people, it was a great theater group! I wanted to smack the shit out of that little teenybopper boy who asked for our ticket stubs. Wtf kid, saying it's for your youth group? We bought our tickets nearly a week in advance, go bug someone else. I swear, dumb ass little twats.
Almost ruined my night >/ Keyword almost.

This time we were smart and brought stuff to entertain us. We doodled some and then spent the majority of time playing Go Fish. Haha, yay for cheesy card games! xD

So my thoughts on the movie.

It was good, I won't lie. Tim Burton doesn't fail to disappoint me really, but I can say there has been one or two of his movies that didn't' impress me as much as the others. Like Sweeney Todd. I didn't think it was bad but I wasn't terribly taken by it either. So I guess AiW would fall in the same category.
The imagery is just... it was amazing. I loved how Wonderland looked and seeing it in 3D was phenomenal. I adored how Tim gave it that darker, more grimy look but had all the weird and bright color spots/forms/creatures still. I loved the Cheshire cat, Shelly wanted to reach through the screen and hug it ROFL. All the creatures were <3 though.
I particularly liked Alice. I thought she did good as a character, just the right amount - not too extreme one way or another way. She wasn't overly assertive and fiesty but she wasn't terribly meek and shy. Just the perfect balance IMO. She actually seemed fairly level-headed and proved to have quite some intelligence. The actress they chose for the movie really was an excellent fit - she looked like an older Alice.
Johnny as the Mad Hatter... what can I say, I love the man XDDD Really, he did a great job - he certainly portrayed him as being "mad" very well, with that deep, rumbling voice and look of psychosis in his eyes. Really sexy *___* but also lots of goofy moments. His dance just made me ROFL even if that was a combination of a stunt double and CGI xDDDD
Also, I enjoyed the music - Avril Lavigne's song didnt' sound so bad in the movie as it did in the vid I watched. Her outfit was made of win.
I really liked the Knave too - I wish he had more screen time. My favorite part was when he cornered Alice in the hallway. I wish there was more interaction between them though, that one moment wasn't enough! And you were right pippin_my_ride , he is a rape monster who likes young girls XDDDD rofl! God though he was sexy trying to seduce her, hahaha.
While I overall thought it was good, I felt there should have been more to it. Like they gave us a glimpse into everything but only showed us pieces, not the whole thing. I understand you can only fit so much time into a movie, but still, I felt there was a lot more missing to the story then what they showed us. But then again I haven't read the books or anything so I'm not the most Alice-in-Wonderland-literate.

It was quite enjoyable though, and worth the wait. I want to draw the Knave and Alice 8D haha
And Shelly and I totally went to Denny's afterward because we were both hungry. Not something we usually do. Twas good. And very crowded - everyone else had the same idea as us, hah.

Well now I am going to go to sleep since it is 4 AM and I am quite sleepy.

alice in wonderland

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