October is here!!!!

Oct 01, 2008 18:34


It's been forever since I updated. This is going to be short because I don't have long to spend here (not to mention the fact my computer is going slow due to the routine computer scan.)

I just felt like posting to say, for the first time in what seems like too long, I'm feeling really good tonight. I mean, REALLY damn good. I'm totally chipper and happy and I feel great. Lately all I've ever felt is tired, pressed for time, and stressed. Anyone remember my past journals where I mentioned I couldn't do school and work full time at the same time?

... Well, guess what I am doing now? :D HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.
It sucks, trust me. If you can avoid it, PLEASE. Do so. For me. Do it for me.
Sometime within the next couple months, when I can get an extra day or two to breath, I'm going to schedule appointments to see my dentist and get a routine check-up. Might as well actually USE the insurance I'm going to school full-time for. Especially since I think I only have it till I'm 21? 22-24 maybe?
I don't remember, I need to bug Dad to find out for me. Oh crap, I gotta print him out my schedule too. >_<
I really need to hook up my printer. Maybe tomorrow.

So.....yeah. Work and school. That's my life right now. Very boring. Not to mention there has been no progress really on my art block. BUT. I did have a slight breakthrough last night. I actually DREW something. It was just a rough sketch to get the concept down, but I really like it and so I intend to work on it X3 Not to mention right now I'm feeling totally inspired and happy and energized. It's just too bad I have to do studying rather then indulge in my sketchbook like I would so LOVE to right now...
It's been far too long baby. *sobs and holds book to me*
I also am itching like crazy to use yWriter more. I'm so thinking and hoping that's what I need to actually get my stories going. Who knows, maybe now that I have that thing I can actually FINISH something. OMG WOULDN'T THAT BE AMAZING???!!!
By the way, as to why I'm so happy/hyper right now? A lot of it is the weather. I LOVE weather like this, it's my absolute favorite. I love the chilly autumn air and the cloudy skies. It's so Halloween like. All we need now is the bundles of pretty leaves cluttering up the lawns and sidewalks. <3 KYAH.

Okay, I'll update/ramble longer when I have more time. Right now, I gotta go get studying for my math test tomorrow

weather, homework, inspiration, school, happy

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