Dec 20, 2004 22:50
Fun holiday bash at Kristen's!
The evening started with a Sex and the City-style bitch fest around the lasagna and salad, followed by REALLY good pudding. Then, Dirty Santa (I got a tiara!) and real gift exchange. Lalee left before I could give her her present, but I gave Kristen hers - a hugely funny chick lit book which, by the way, Kris, has the best sex scene I've ever read in it. I made Cayce read it when I was done, it was so good. :) Have fun! I had to leave early to take my stupid kidney infection pills. I have to have another urine test next week, and I'm angry. Those are so hard! I never know just how much to put in...a few drops? Filled to the rim? Anyway, I'm going to find a book to read and then I'm going to sit in bed with His Heaviness (JoJo). Merry Christmas, everyone, and thanks, Kristen, for putting me in a merry mood!
P.S. Robert is "fratastic."