happy easter!!
today was quite the eventful day. btw, my L key is very sticky. so at 8 i woke up, and i got out of
bed at 8 30 to go downstairs and open my easter basket. got a iTrip, and a g/c to best buy. fun i know. then we did our little hunt, and i found a whole 4 quarters in my eggs. i know your jealous. so then i fiddled with my iTrip for a haf an hour, then went to church at 10. we left before communion, THANK GOD. that stuff makes me sick. we went to my aunts house for lunch, first we ate ( 6 slices of ham, 4 muffins, an egg, 2 jello gigglers and a roll...YESS, oh and dessert) and then i hid with 3 other cousins for the little ones. i had hte best spot, im sure no one found it...i itfted up that thing on top of the toiet and put it in there, and im sure if anyone did find it they woudln't reach in and get it. i dont blame them. so then we payed kemps and then my famiy went to my moms sisters house for easter dinner. when we got there me and my sister died eggs, my cousins were busy playing video
games. const- we need to go see a boys waterpolo game. its absolutly necessary. then we ate dinner ( 5 slices of ham, 2 scoops of fruit salad, a potatoe and a roll, plus a peice of french silk pie) and then we has this whole controversy about our cottage that we've had for over 60 years. i dont even want to tak about it, it makes me so frustrated. lets see, got home at like 9 and had to 1. shower 2. paint my nails 3. dry my hair 4. cean my room 5. get stuff ready for tomarow, books and clothes. so that was quite fun to do. so anyway, really not looking forward to schoo tomarow. im sure it'lll be a fabulouse day.