(no subject)

Apr 20, 2008 19:53


“No! Move to the left - the left!” The commander, Fighter Benedict, instructed, watching as Rodney swiftly moved to the left. The man did a twirl and then met the stick with his own, the two clanking together. They both jumped back, Rodney trying to catch his breathe, the commander just wiping a few bits of sweat off of him. “That’s it for today,” He said, dabbing a towel at his forehead before shoving it on the floor. He picked up a second towel and threw it over to Rodney, who caught it before realising that he was catching something.

It had been three months since Rodney had first joined the ship. Since then, Benedict had been watching over him, teaching him first the basics of sword fighting and shooting, and then moving on up to the more advanced things. For nearly 10 turns of the hand, 5 mooncycles out of 7 mooncycles, he had tutored McKay. And god, had it been one of the most frustrating, life-changing, thrilling experiences of his life.

Rodney, in his short time here, had managed to touch everyone’s heart and make sure he was unforgettable. Although at first he had had an ego larger than life, when he was being insulted over 10 times a mooncycle on what he was bad at (and sometimes what he was good at) that ego had come down to an appropriate size. While the man was still arrogant sometimes, Benedict found it a pleasing change from before. McKay was a quick learner and willing to learn what he was being taught. He had struggled at first, before Benedict had realised the man just didn’t have enough stamina. So he’d fixed that.

Although he still had a way to go, he had come a long way in the three months. And he still had over a month to go. But even then, not a lot could be covered in just three months of physical activity.

On top of the training that Benedict was giving him, he knew that McKay had been taking studies in the medical career. Although he proclaimed loudly that medicine wasn’t an actual science, he did admit to its usefulness and had learnt first the basics and then some more advanced things. His teacher had been Healer Paddy, one of the best on the ship. The two had formed a strange friendship - they fought and argued and bickered and moaned, but when push came to shove, they’d back up each other within a second. Paddy had once confided to him that Rodney was fast becoming the annoying brother she’d never had. He didn’t know McKay well enough to ask him that yet.

On top of all that, he had noticed significant changes in the ships. Once McKay had settled in and recovered, the improvements he’d made were incredible. First he’d fixed the lighting, claiming that without it he wouldn’t be able to see. The lighting had been fine before, but McKay had improved it enough that it was now so much brighter and revealed so much more. Then he’d turned to the ship’s shields and increased the amount of time they would hold as well as the strength. After that he’d moved onto the ship’s attacking devices and improved those as well, also including some new weapons to fight with.

The man was a genius; there was no doubt about it. The Tennukians owed him a great debt.

All McKay had asked was that had anything come push to shove to the wraith, that they could and support him and the rest of Atlantis when the time came. The response had been in the affirmative.

“McKay,” He called the man over, and McKay moved swiftly. He’d learnt the hard way to not keep him waiting. He still had the scars to prove it.

“Yeah?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.

“You’ve been here for three months now. I think you’ve improved substantially - what do you think?” It was always good to see what the trainee thought. McKay looked thoughtful for a second before speaking, slowly, as if he were gathering his thoughts as he went along.

“I know that I’ve improved a lot. I’ve never felt so … dedicated to something before. Back on Atlantis, I knew that I could do with some work on my fighting skills and weapon firing, but I just never had enough time to do so, and relied on Sheppard and Ronon and Teyla to protect me, or Carson to heal me.” He paused. “But here, I’ve had time to do this. I’ve had time to improve my skills. I’m already feeling the improvements that just regular eating healthily and the fighting sessions provide me, although they are tiring. It’s still not fair that you can do it without breaking a sweat and I’m gasping for breath at the end.” McKay’s mouth took on a wry smile.

Benedict laughed.

“When you’ve have the amount of training I have, you’ll get it. For a scientist, you’re pretty darn good at this. But it isn’t your forte, which is obvious.” He shrugged. “You’re doing well, though.” McKay smirked.

“Obviously. I have you for a teacher, and you have me for a pupil,” He said arrogantly. However, Benedict was slowly coming to see that this was a joke and raised his stick up threateningly. McKay’s eyes widened and his hands came up. “Yikes, okay, okay. You’re the awesome teacher and I’m the crappy pupil,” he gave a quirky smile. Benedict winked at him.

“You better remember that McKay,” he said.

“Believe me. I won’t forget.” McKay shuddered, his hand absent-mindedly touching his shoulder. His ego had got him into more trouble than it was worth on this ship. Obviously arrogant people weren’t accepted on here. “‘Everyone brings strength’s and weaknesses into a group. Everyone is equal,’” Rodney quoted and Benedict nodded. That was the motto on the ship. Seeing as they were the only ones left of their race, they had all banded together and would stand by each other no matter what. This was the first time an outsider had stayed for more than a few days and slowly, he was being moulded into the fold, although he didn’t see it.

But a few months wouldn’t be enough for him to become completely trusted. They had the matter of personal safety, after all.

“Once you get off this ship, you won’t have me to beat it in to you. You can quite easily revert back to your old ways.” Benedict took a breath and exhaled. “I want you to make me a promise. That you’ll keep up the normal training routine as much as possible, and that you won’t forget what you learnt here.” If anything, McKay looked somewhat wounded that Benedict even thought about it.

“Benedict … being here has changed me,” McKay said quietly. “And I’ve found that because of it, a lot more people like me and trust me. Although it is annoying sometimes,” He said, an annoyed hint dropping into his voice. Benedict chuckled. Once McKay gained the respect of everyone, they came to him like he was a superior, asking for help with problems or just to chat. It had caused McKay many annoyances when he had been working or trying to learn.

“But … one of the most startling changes was that I found out kids weren’t so bad.” McKay smirked and Benedict couldn’t stop a deep, gut-wrenching laugh. Ever since McKay had brought back the air conditioning, Arnon II had been following him around like a dog, hero worship in his eyes. McKay had been flattered at first, but then found it annoying. Although he and Arnon II had grown closer, and Benedict would think of the relationship as uncle and nephew, if it wasn’t for the fact that McKay denied any admittance of fondness for the boy.

“Go on McKay, go to Healer Paddy. She’ll be waiting for you in the usual room,” Benedict smirked. McKay groaned.

“Can’t I shower first?” He grumbled and Benedict shook his head.

“I want you to run to the other side of the ship first and then run back to the room. I’ll know if you don’t,” He warned and McKay nodded, resigned to his fate. With a look of a man marching to his doom, the man slowly jogged out of the room, but once he was outside slowly picked up his pace until it was a run. Benedict watched him go with a smile on his face. He was a slave driver.

It was amusing to see them all squirm.


Rodney McKay of Atlantis was a very interesting specimen.

Healer Paddy watched as the man set about to fixing up some of their newest patients who had been practising with knives. One of the younglings had a bad aim and had thrown it, but it went off course. The other youngling had chosen that moment to move position and had got stabbed in the back. Despite the man having a bad aim, he had a good throw. Paddy felt almost sympathetic for them, because she knew they would be in for a hell of a talk with whoever their teacher was. Playing with knives was dangerous. It was about time they all realised that.

But it was their own fault, and besides, it gave Rodney someone to heal, to practise on. Watching as he made a few sarcastic comments and the youngling injured had the grace to look chagrined, she found herself thinking over the time when Rodney had first came to visit. At first, she had figured that he was a man who needed saving, but then at first opportunity they would drop him off at the nearest inhabited planet and be done with him. He was badly injured, enough for her to be called in, and she had been shocked at the state of his injuries. She had never got the full story from him, and although she had been feeling pretty curious, he had never offered it. She respected that.

Therefore, she had been surprised when she had got a request from the leader, asking her to train Rodney in the basics of medicine. It wasn’t until later did she realise he was being taught by Fighter Benedict, the best they had, as well. She sensed something fishy was up, and she was certain that Rodney didn’t know how lucky he was. She, the highest in her department, Benedict, the highest in his department, was both teaching their specialists to the scientist. In turn, he was the smartest engineer/scientist type of guy they had. The three leaders of a department working together? Something fishy was up.

She knew that he had made a massive improvement in the time that he had been there, in both abilities and attitude. She had never believed that roughly three months (as McKay called them, which had sparked off a large debate about which was way easier, mooncycles or days) on their ship would have made such a drastic improvement, but she had been proved wrong. Determination and quick learning abilities made it much easier, obviously, but she was still surprised. She knew why he was trying so hard though - he had told her once that back on his home planet, he had felt pretty useless. Yes, he had been the smartest man in the base, but come to everything else … he sucked at it. He had felt like he was the liability, but he had never had the time to improve on anything.

Paddy had been pretty sad when she’d heard that. The man had the responsibilities of over 250 people and none of them thought of what he did to keep the city running well. They didn’t even thank him. And then he was dragged away to go out on missions and risk his life for some random reason, and by then she was feeling pretty darn annoyed. When she’d put it like that to Rodney, he had made an ‘oh’ sound and then looked pensive for a moment, before explaining to her just why he did what he did without complaint … well, too much complaint anyway.

Family. Friends.

And she knew then that she and Rodney were very similar.

He was a quick learner, dedicated. Although he had complained that medicine wasn’t an art, he had worked hard to perfect it. He was a perfectionist. Paddy had never had such a dedicated student, even if he had been one of the most aggravating. He still was one now, but she was glad that they had knocked that ego and arrogance down a touch. It had been getting on her nerves. Still, she enjoyed their verbal sparring, and she knew that he enjoyed it too. Along with the physical sparring he got from Benedict and he was being worked to the bone.

But the changes and improvements he had made to their ship were incredible.

She watched as Rodney finished berating the younglings and trying up their wounds, before shooing the un-injured man away and keeping the other one in for a day or two and couldn’t stop a soft smile spreading on her face. She would miss Rodney when he was gone, that much was for certain. She hoped that they would keep in contact, and was planning on sharing with him something she hadn’t shared with anyone if it came to it.

But she still had to wait and see if he was the right one for it. No good her giving it to him and then her finding someone better. She straightened up as he glanced at her and removed the smile from her face, merely raising an eyebrow at him. He smirked back and then turned away to go check on another patient, irritating one of the nurses along the way as he pointed out where she could improve. Paddy snorted.

Then again, she couldn’t wait for him to be gone too. Maybe then they’d have some peace and quiet.


“What?” Rodney blinked.

“The Athosians,” Leader Arnon repeated patiently and Rodney pinched himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.

“The Athosians?” He asked hesitantly, hardly daring to believe it. Arnon nodded.

“They have long been our allies. Their leader, Teyla Emmagen, left over many mooncycles ago, to help out others. Before that though, we were great friends.” He frowned, suddenly seeing Rodney’s expression. “Is something the matter?”

If Rodney had been standing up, he would have fallen into his chair. As it was, he slumped boneless into it, feeling an immediate sense of relief.

“Nothing’s wrong,” He said, waving off the concern. “I just - it’s a small world after all,” He chuckled.

“You know the Athosians?” Arnon frowned.

“Not just the Athosians,” Rodney smirked. “Teyla is my team mate,” He watched the surprised expressions of the people in the room with him - Benedict, Paddy, Delian (another fighter) and Arnon.

“Your Teyla is … our Teyla? Our blinking little rascal of a gal?” Delian blinked and Rodney nodded. “By george! That’s spiffing! How is the dear? Does she still have that powerful punch?” He asked eagerly. Rodney figured it was best to not mention the scrapes they had all got into over the two years and just nodded.

“Last time I saw her, she was as fit as a fiddle - gah! I mean, she was fine,” he smiled wryly. He was picking up the mannerisms of the people on the ship. Oh dear. Next thing he knew, he would be running down the halls singing some warbled, twisted version of a song. It could happen. He had already learnt a lot of their songs, although they were quite weird. It would be interesting to sing them to his team when they were on a mission and see what happened.

A smile came onto Rodney’s face as he pictured it all. Around him, his companions were smiling in amusement as well at his slip of the tongue. Arnon stood up, drawing the attention to him.

“You’ve packed, yes?” He asked Rodney and the man nodded, feeling slightly sad that his time on top of the ship was ended. “Good,” Arnon said cheerfully. “We’ll be landing shortly, so I suggest you go and say your goodbyes.” He added on. “Dismissed.”

Rodney left the room, walking in-between Paddy and Benedict. They stepped into the corridor and slowly came to a halt, just staring at each other. Paddy and Benedict shared a sad smile and then Paddy took his arm. “Come along Rodney, let’s go somewhere private,” She said gently, and the trio walked to her office. Once they were there, they entered and Rodney immediately moved to stand against the wall. Paddy moved to sit on her desk and Benedict stood by the door. They all stared at each other for a moment before Benedict got impatient.

“Well? Going to say goodbye, then?” He asked gruffly and Rodney blinked.

“I’ve never been very good at goodbyes,” He said awkwardly.

“Well then, it’s a good job that you’re getting practise now, yes?” Paddy smirked. “You know what to do Rodney? Give the person a big hug and say how much you missed them, and proclaim your un-denying love.” If possible, Rodney looked a bit ill at the thought. Paddy laughed loudly. “I’m joking, McKay. If its that much of a struggle, you just say ‘goodbye’, wish them your best wishes and then leave before the scene gets too emotional,”

“You won’t get off that easily from me laddie,” Benedict interjected. Rodney smiled at that.

“Alright. Let’s get this over with.” He took a breath and walked over to Benedict. He held out his hand in a handshake. “Sir, you cannot know how much I’ve appreciated everything you’ve taught me. I know I was an arrogant, egotistical person, and you made sure to knock that out of me. It was fun working with you, Benedict,” Rodney finished his mini-speech and Benedict smiled. Taking his hand, he started to shake it gently, before smirking and pulling the man forwards.

However, proving that the training had paid off, Rodney twisted his body and soon had Benedict’s arm bent against his back and the man up against the wall. Benedict laughed.

“Very good, Rodney,” He smirked. “I’d say the same about you, but I wouldn’t want to sound like a girl, you know what I mean?” Rodney scowled.

“Bastard,” He grumbled, before letting go and then turning to Paddy.

The two stared at each other for a moment before they moved at the same time, meeting in the middle in a crushing hug. Paddy wrapped her arms around Rodney’s neck and tightened her grip, resting her head in his neck. Rodney himself hugged her tightly around the waist, and Paddy shut her eyes, savouring it. Rodney was doing the same, although trying not to be too obvious about it. Finally, they both pulled away, although they still held the other at arms length.

“I never told you this Rodney …” Paddy trailed off and Rodney froze.

“You aren’t going to proclaim your love for me, are you?” He asked awkwardly, and immediately the mood was broken with loud laughter from Benedict. Paddy herself looked shocked and then annoyed. She whacked Rodney on the arm.

“You just ruined a perfectly good moment,” she protested, and Rodney smiled sheepishly.

“Sorry,” He said, sounding apologetic. Paddy ‘hmph’ed before sighing.

“No, I wasn’t. I was just going to say that your time on this ship has changed you for the better.” She started and the other two males calmed down. “I never thought that I would get attached to you, but you grew on me. It worked even better once your ego came down a couple of sizes,” She smirked and Rodney had the grace to look sheepish. “You’re still damn annoying now, and you need to keep practising if you wish to stay good at what you’ve learnt from me …” She paused. “But I will miss you. I’ll miss our verbal sparring, and I’ll miss the most determined student I’ve ever had,” She finished.

Rodney had gone a faint pink. “Thank you,” He murmured, looking uncomfortable. Paddy smiled and nodded. Rodney took a breath - it was his turn now. “I - I had fun learning from you,” He stuttered. “I’ll miss you when I go back to Atlantis. I would wish that we stay in contact … but if we can’t then I am glad to have known you.” It wasn’t at all long, but it was sincere and heart-felt. It was in that instant that Paddy knew that she should do it.

“I have a gift for you.” She smiled and went to her desk. Opening the bottom drawer, one under lock and key, she slowly pulled out something that was wrapped carefully, like something precious inside. Rodney watched curiously as she removed the wrapping and inside - was a necklace. Two of them, and both looked the exact same. Rodney blinked.

“You want me to wear a necklace?” He drawled. “That’s a girl’s thing.”

“Rodney, you don’t know what that is.” There was surprise in Benedict’s voice. “Paddy, are you sure?”

“I’m certain,” She nodded and picked up one necklace. She stepped towards Rodney, holding it out to him. “This necklace is one of the most precious gifts an Tenukkian has. It is given to us at a certain age, and we are to give it to someone who is so precious to us we cannot bear to lose them. If we both wore the necklace, then we would be able to tell, no matter how far away we are, that the other was alive and well. In the most desperate of situations, we can mind-talk to each other, but its only used sparingly because it uses so my energy.” She explained. “I want you to have mine.”

“Me?” Rodney looked almost … terrified at the thought of being given something so important. “But I’m a very liable hazard. It could break on a mission. Easily. I would forget all about it and then it would get broken and I’d feel really bad.” He babbled. “I’m most especially not that important to you that you want to give me this necklace. We’re teacher and pupil, sparring buddies.” He stopped, however, as she pushed the necklace into his hands.

“You are the best person,” She spoke quietly but forcefully, before stepping back. The necklace pulsed in Rodney’s hands and shaking, he reached up and slid it over his head. The necklace fell into place easily around his neck, and hesitantly, he put it behind all of his clothes. He wasn’t sure what it was he had to say, so he just settled for a soft ‘thank you’.

The mood in the room was solemn and tender all at once. However, Paddy knew that time was running out, and that Rodney still had a few goodbyes to make. “Besides,” She started. “If you ever need our help, you can contact me and we’ll head your way. We promised, didn’t we?” Rodney nodded and she smiled, nodding herself. “Right. Now, I suggest you go and make your final goodbyes, because Arnon has most likely told the Athosian’s of your arrival and is heading for landing now.”

“Right.” Rodney said, before moving to the exit. He opened the door and paused before stepping out. “Benedict … Paddy … thank you. Goodbye.” And with that, he was down the corridor. Behind him, Paddy sniffled and blinked away at the tears that were threatening to fall. Benedict moved to her and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, squeezing it gently.

“Do not worry, Rodney is going back where he belongs. It is for the best.”

“I know.”



fic-rodney's trip/big adventure

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