Dec 07, 2005 08:31
I think the Jones coke machine stocker is out to ruin my life. EVERYTIME, i stick my dollar in a machine and hit the water button, low and behold, an effing coke falls out. Not a diet coke, which I might be okay with, but a coke. Nasty effing red bottled coke product. I refuse to drink them, and toss em in the trash. I'm seriously considering about writing the dean. I also need to write the dean about getting an lcd HDTV for my world lit class. That tv in there just ain't cuttin it! haha. Next time I watch Pride and Prejudice i want quality with no glares! What kind of sicko puts cokes in the water slot, anyways? A demented one, that's who. of Friday night, I was professsionally diagnosed with sinusitis, which I believe is a made up sickness my doctor thought of off the top of his head, and "touches of bronchitis." I had a 99 degrees fever all weekend, and i've just been feeling really tired and low on energy, like if I was an electronic device or a toy, and my battery was slowly running out. I got a shot in my butt which did NOTHING except make me limp, and sit on one side of my butt for thirty minutes, and i'm on countless antibiotics that are as big as small rocks and every time I cough something in my chest rattles. But the world goes on, like sand through the hourglass, and so must I.
I am so not studying for ANY exam. I don't believe in them...especially comprehensive ones.
I got a new advisor because i changed my major from journalism to english. She's this really dull, sleepy looking woman. Here's our first conversation, when I went to her for help with my schedge for next semester.
"Hi. I'm Samantha Pierce. I just changed my major, and you're my new advisor."
(Sitting slumpily in chair, in front of computer, looking like a zombie, with a mug of coffee) "Oh."
"I just need you to sign my shedule, and i also had a few questions. I now a good time."
"Well. I'm really busy now. (takes sip of coffee) The only time i have free is Tuesday mornings at 8."
(my thoughts) Okay, you don't have a class this period AT ALL, and I don't come to school on Tues. and Thurs.
"Oh.......Okay.....If I could just get you to sign this."
"No problem. (Signs my paper, sighs, drinks coffee and continues to play on the internet.)
What a useless person. Anyways, I'm getting a new advisor, because upon a closer look at my schedule, I noticed that those f-ups have listed my major as Pre-Elementary Education. A)I don't like kids. B)I said English, not Pre-Elementary Education. C)I saw the person write English down. The words English and Pre-Elemtary Education are often confused and everthing but come on! D)I don't like kids.
I want to go see King Kong. Especially when I saw on the news that the governor of New York declared, I think, Friday or maybe Saturday, King Kong Day on it's opening night in the city. I really want to see it now that I know that it's three hours long also. I want to see Pride and Prejudice also. It's probably not as good as the one with Colin Firth in it though.
Chronicles of Narnia is a must see also.
Sarah! When's our Christmas bash gonna be!? I've gotta get some gifts and stuff, and we can have a huge ole holiday hullabalooza at your house, or wherever. We need to plan it girl.
I can't believe Jared's going to France soon. He better not make any of those fweird noises and faces he makes around us or they're gonna think he's a freak. Do you have pictures of your foster family?
I saw some scary ad for a movie last night. Wolf Creek. Looks disturbing in the same way Wrong Turn was disturbing.
Yes. My 7:30 class is canceled Friday, and I only have to come Wed. and Fri. of next week. That is awesome. The exams don't even phase me. I do have a speech to deliver this Friday, though, and I am semi-worried about it because I'm really not prepared. It's on Tim Burton and I need a good grade in that stupid cheery class.
me and Sarah were waiting around in our normal hangout at the bottom of Humanities, eating popcorn chicken, when I saw this little creepy nook between the stairs and the wall. I brushed the cobwebs away and reached inside the cold darkness, and BAM! a spider jumped out and bit my arm. No..just kidding. I found a PTK flyer from like Sept. 3 1990. It was really crispy. It was cool. like an artifact. A relic from or past stuffed in a crack by a slob to lazy to throw it away.
Sarah's four point nine GPA is going down. The Chemistry VI lab is WAY to much pressure, and German Lit. is gettin to her too. Surgery 101 was a bummer the other morning too. Hahah. That boy in our class was like WHAT!
Hey Adele.