
Aug 28, 2005 00:25

WeLL sChool started!! hehe mOnDay waS pretty fun i guess.... hehe all my classes are like super far from each other so that sucks ass!! but o*wells TueS.... went to SchooL anoThEr fuN DaY!! thEn WeNt tO MY game in edcouch elsa... which didnt finish till like 10:30 so i didnt get home to 12:30!! i jumped into the shower... washed my self very good!! hehe then did some homework and went night night!! hehe aNd that is was made me tired the whole week on... wens was a boring and sleepy day!! hehe Thurs lots Of hoMeWorK... STUDY STUDY STUDY!! i Also had to make Big MikEs (TiNy) bAskEt thinGy for FooTbALL!! wHich CaMe OuT very NICE!! hehe Lots of GooDiEs miKe beTTer be Happy hehe lol!! Friday..... a TesT.... then another TesT.... anD thEn AnoThEr ONE!! hehe lol but After school went to the locker room got dressed and then we played our game.... tried to win fast.... WE WON!! hehe then went back into the locker room and TOOK a GOOD SHOWER and got ready!! TheN OFF to the FiRSt FOoTBaLL GaMe Of The SeAsON!! KICK OFF BABY!! goT thEre juSt In TiME!! hehe even though we lost the guys played a pretty good game!! hehe we could do a lil better but maybe next time!! hehe and as for the RaiderS theRe pretty good.... hehe i like the one with the butt!! lol he is so mine!! well yea i have a crush on a guy i dont even know!! j/k lol thats funny!! hehe but dont tell anyone!! lol SSSSSSHHHHHH!!! (dont you think its so funny when people are like "man i hate it when people talk shit and tell everyone everything and what they told was on LJ hehe like hello dont put it on LJ if you dont want people to know!! LOSER HEADS hehe ok sorry about that i went off topic) Well we had a game today ..... and well didnt go to good... we played ok.... but we lost!! :( TeaRS!! boo for us!! but o*wells we are gonna win the next one!! and i got a big buise on my right leg hehe you have to see it!! its all green and purple and stuff lol!! it hurts like a b**** so dont touch it lol!! well yea anyways im still sick... i got sick like on ThuS and my eaRs hurt and my noSe and yea EverYthiNg HuRTs!! AAAAHHHH!! well got home from my game and took my drugs lol and then took a shower... CLEAN SAMANTHA!! hehe then took a lil nap hehe well not really lil... lol....4 hours only.... hehe lol yes a 4 hour nap... lol i needed some sleep since tues messed my night night time up!! hehe lol so yea i think i fixed it!! but hope it doesnt happen again cuz it really messes me up!! hehe i get all meano head and stuff!! well after that woke up like at 8 watch the CoWBOYS play for a lil while and then after that ate pizza!! so it was a good stay at home with my mommy cuz im sick NIGHT!! hehe lol we had fun!! tomm i dunno what im gonna do maybe ill get better!! HOPE SO!! well sorry about not writing in this all the time but ill try to do it once a week!! so sorry if there long like other peoples!! hehe lol TaKE CaRe YALL!! ByeBye!! *SaMaNtHa*

p.s ;] LUV YA!!
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