(no subject)

Oct 10, 2010 22:18

submitted one assignment this week! one more on wednesday and three more the next week and its just exams left! 8 papers, take it one at a time (:

less than 60 days till ill be home, just waiting for that day when i touch down in the all familiar changi airport, the thought of home keeps me going, each and every single day!

on a side note,
im a spoilt little girl. hehe.
thanks for everything you've done for me (:

finally visited madtongsan today. haha yummy food and good company! i really enjoy korean food. and we made so much noise the person asked us to lower our volume. LOL, i know we spent a really long time talking about weddings. am i really getting older ?!

anyhow, today's sermon was on prayer. on praying the "use me for Your glory" prayer. 
God wants us to avail ourselves to be used by God. 
V56 - am i like the disciples who turned away and didnt follow Jesus till the end? or do i hold on to him and walk with him all the way.Am i following Jesus for who he is and because he is Lord, or because of what he can do for me? 
If i want to be used by God, I have to give it ALL up. it is sure difficult to give up everything. everything in this world that we hold on to because we depend on them, because we find security in it. how difficult is to lose control, to let go and spiral into the unknown. knowing that God is in control. how can i be sure of  what God is going to do?

trust. and complete dependence is certainly not an easy call. but I pray that God will teach me and give me the strength to let go. make my heart beat for You and not for this world. lesser of me, more of You.

less anxiety driven prayer, more God-focused prayer!

yesterday's yf was also really good.
following Christ - deny yourself, pick up the cross and follow him. 
3 steps. first, deny yourself.

this week was also one of the best weeks in terms of tellytubbs. hopefully it will get better every week(:!

week 1 after spring break is over. 3 more weeks to go. 59 days till home sweet home. its time to make a list of places to eat. HAHA
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