Oct 04, 2008 03:58
I am bored so went on youtube to watch the Palin interviews with Katie Couric. I have my own opinion of Palin and have watched all of the biased media yahoo. Oh and don't forget the Snl spoofs. I have much respect for McCain for the simple fact that he has fought and served for our country. But Palin, come on. I could make a better vice president then she can. I mean seriously. When I registered to vote and they asked what party I checked the box that said none. I am going to stick by that candidate that I feel that is the best suited to preside over our country and will be there to suggest and sign those bills that are going to help all of us American's as a whole. The reason I feel that Palin has gotten so much media is the fact that she is so clueless. I mean come on did anyone watch the debate with her and Biden. She fought hard which she needed too but really did she answer a question straight forward. She would avoid questions and go beyond the subject of the question and talk about energy or what she has done for Alaska. Energy is fine and really I do not give a crap about Alaska, I want to know what you and McCain have planned for America as a whole. Ugh, why does she irk me so much? I guess I am so pissed today because the 700 dollar bailout was passed by the house and signed by our wonderful president Bush today. I am so against this. I feel it is so unfair for us to have our taxes raised to bailout rich peeps. Look at all of these innocent families that have lost their homes or are in the threat of losing them. Why not do a little research and find these hard working American citizens and give this money to them to pay what they owe to these banks. Instead we are putting more money into these bank holder pockets whom were in fault in the first place by giving loans to people for twice or more than could be afforded .
I am ranting like crazy. But come on now this is ridiculous. My parents are to the tee republicans and are so upset. They have invested so much of there money and retirement and have lost so much. But instead our wonderful government(and I say this sarcastically)has decided to bail out these banks instead of us American's who have invested in them. This is all bullshit and regardless whom is our next president something needs to change and I know that both candidates recognize this. Our government has dug this whole for us. Look at all these prosperous nations. We are the top of their news. I find that embarrassing. It is time to get us out of it and make a change.