Sep 17, 2008 01:00
Things right now seem to be somewhat peaceful for the moment. It is time to decorate for fall!! I love fall, it is my absolute favorite season. I love the colors and the smell of the cool air coming in. Cider mills here I come! It is so late and I really should get to sleep. I was sitting here thinking that I really did not want to get up earlier than I had to because of the fact that I needed a shower. I just took it and now want to wait for my hair to dry since my hair dryer is busted. I really hate going to bed with wet hair. I would go sit outside but there is an unkown creature that I hear on the side of my house along the gate. I will not go out for fear that it may be a skunk. So needless to say this is a total boredom post. Gosh, please hair dry quick. I really want to get to sleep.