50 things meme - because I'm bored

Sep 08, 2004 16:16

Five Things You May Not Know about My Time in School are:

1. I was a very silly child - in my first year in high school we went on a trip with some exchange students to Dan-yr-Ogof caves. I was new to the school, so I didn't know who was local, who was exchange. And I got mad with one of the exchange boys for 'taking my seat' on the bus home, and slapped him....
He'll never read this, but...sorry!
2. I used to enjoy French so much that I used to translate the conversations in the exercise books, days before that was assigned as classwork.
3. I spent my lunchtimes in the music room - my first clique, I guess. We'd mess around on the instruments, and listen to music - mostly Queen. I loved it.

Five Things You May Not Know about the Job (Jobs) I Have (or Had) are:

1. We have/had some famous people on our books right now, even though we'd rather not because of the massive personal injury settlements if they have an accident.
2. I'm not allowed to tell you who they are, due to the Data Protection Act, and only UK residents would recognise them anyway.

Five Things You May Not Know about My Online Life are:

I've been asked not to talk much about my pup, so that's a difficult one.
1. I relish the opportunity to talk to people online rather than face to face, as my stammer makes me very shy and I find communication difficult.

Five Things You May Not Know about Where I Live are:

1. They filmed scenes from an upcoming Doctor Who programme here.

Five Things You May Not Know about My Core Personality are:

1. I'm very shy. Once someone gets to know me they may think otherwise, but it's true. I'm trying not to be.
2. I have very low self-esteem, and I often think people are merely humoring me

Five Things You May Not Know about My Home Life are:

1. I'm lonely, but I'd rather be alone than in an unhappy relationship.
2. My parents should have divorced twenty years ago
3. I see so little of any of my family, besides those I live with, that I often believe they don't give a damn about me, any of them.

Five Things You May Not Know That I Desperately Want are:

1. Another baby, but Rowan's too demanding of my time even if I had a partner right now.
2. To be debt-free
3. To quit my job
4. To learn some languages, get better at playing the keyboard, and take a webdesign course
5. To lose my stammer

Five Embarrassing Fannish Admissions I Have That You May Not Know are:

1. I nearly squeed in the presence of the actor who played Matt Sykes in Alien Nation, at a convention in LA, even though I've never harboured any fan-girl feelings for him before or since.
2. I see 'ship in the most ridiculous places - including pre-school television shows. My latest one is between two comic book characters.

Five Things You May Not Know about What I Do in a Typical Day are:

1. Spend half the day trying to stay awake
2. Check LJ much more often than I am actually allowed to

Five Things You May Not Know That Are Really Important to My Character are:

1. I don't like people who are two-faced, though I would never presume to say I don't behave like that myself sometimes. I just internalise it, so no-one else notices.
2. I need people to be honest with me


Well, that was pathetic... don't I sound miserable!
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