Hey everyone... Ok so I know I am really really bad at updating this thing... I will really really really try to be better at it! My dad keeps getting mad at me about it (sorry Dad!), so I will really try to update more! So I have been up to a lot since I last updated on valentines day. My family came and visited. I saw Norway, Copenhagen, Belgium and England. I have been going to school (I actually have to do some work now!), I have been learning a lot more Swedish and just having a lot of fun with my friends here. My favorite part of my exchange experience is my friends. They are some of the most AMAZING people I have ever met in my life. I have a group of five girls that I am really close with... Linnea, Lisa, Linda, Malin and Sofia. I also have my rotary councilors daughter Sara whom I am very close with as well. Oh! And just so you all know... Sofia (Who is awesome!) is coming back to Oly and living at my house as an exchange student next year, this is a wonderful thing and I am really really exited about it.
Anyway... So some of the things I have been doing? I joined a hip-hop dance class. It was taught in english by a girl from Scotland. We had 8 classes in all and learned 4 dances. After 5 weeks we performed at a thing called UKM, this is a kind of competition for youths. I have done some other performances as well. I performed a song in swedish(!) called Hå Hå Jag Har Krukår te sälja (that is spelled wrong) but in english it means I Ho Ho I Have Pots to Sell. Its a Swedish folk song and it was fun to be able to sing in Swedish. Another perfomance (That i just did today!) was at my school talent show. When we went to school this morning we had no idea we would be performing but they needed another act so we got pulled into it. Linnea and Lisa had a song and dance for their dance group so Sofia and I went over to Linnea's house and learned it in two hours and then we performed it. Lisa, Sofia and I dance while Linnea sang. It was to Flashdance and it was REALLY cool. Linnea has an amazing voice so it ended up being really good. We got third place and won tickets to the Arboga movie theatre! haha. Here is a pic of us in our 80's gear. There are also some other pics for you to see as well
So 80's!
All done up for the talent show! (me, linnea, Lisa and Sofia)
Kungstragardan in Stockholm! SO beautiful in the spring!
Playing twister with my rotary councilors family. This is me and Sara, she is 15 and one of my best friends here
Me and Linnea being tough in our moped helmets (Neither of us actually has a moped... were still hot! haha)
The big bonfire on the last night of April!
There was also a holiday in sweden celebrating spring. Which basically means no one goes to work and they light a big bonfire. It was really fun. Just so you understand the pic of the big fire!
The weather here has been AMAZING. Everything is so green again. We have had over 70 for the last week but its supposed to go back to the low 60's high 50's. Anyway I have to go but I love you all and I hope you read this! haha. Leave me comments k? I will update soon! I PROMISE!