Dec 18, 2005 16:55
This is hands down the coldest day I have ever had in Sweden. The highest point of the day was minus 7. God. Thats cold. Last night it snowed. Not a lot but about an inch. More snow is expected tomorrow and wednesday. It is also not expected to be above minus 4. Crap thats cold! I have decided to make a list... So if you are ever lost you and you cant fingure out where you are then you will know you are in sweden...
1. The usually fast moving river is so frozen on top there is a nice smooth layer of snow over it.
2. They can use snow machines to shoot water up in the air and have it come down as snow... They only do this on the ski slops so they can open. YAY!
3. It takes you have the time to do your normal jog becuase its so cold the faster you go the warmer you are.
4. Its so cold its hard to breath.
5. your iPod cord freezes into a shape while you are running and stays like that for 10 min after you are inside again.
6. The snow doesnt pack because there is no moisture. at all. Its THAT cold.
7. The lock is frozen so you get locked out if you dont breath on it for 10 min.
Ok so now its THAT cold out and I am ready for a warm shower, coco and sitting in front of the fire and looking at the christmas tree. I LOVE CHRISTMAS! GOD JUL!