Nov 24, 2005 14:40
Hej!! Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I was sitting in math class today and I was thinking about how different my day would have been if I was at home... Helping mom make the pies, setting the table, begging mom and dad to get the christmas tree this weekend.. hehe. I really miss that. I love my family and today was really hard cause I miss them so much and Thanksgiving dinners at my house are always fun... My brother Brandon always makes some comment that is really not ok for a thanksgiving dinner table and we all laugh about it... I think last year we talked about how he should be living in a double wide somewhere (He had just got his lip pierced and we had all seen him for the first time since he had gone off to collage... This was all out of love believe me!) Anyway because they don't celebrate it here I really miss it! I am making a little one for my host mom tonight but all that is is chicken (We couldn't find turkey here :(... but I secretly like chicken better so its okay!), mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, stuffing and pumpkin pie. I don't know how to make gravy so I am making the mashed potatoes garlic style... hehe. YUM!
Anyway... So it is totally official... I LOVE my rotary councilor and his family. Because I don't have the ideal living situation in my host house it is wonderful to go to his house and just forget about missing my family and be a part of their family. This tuesday after school i went over there and we make pepparkaker (sorry that is misspelled!) which is gingerbread cookies and a house! I have never made these from scratch so it was really really fun! This sunday is the first advent so I am going over there to light the candle, made our own candles and decorate the christmas trees in the kids rooms.... Ulf (my councilor) never buys the trees... Oh no, he goes out into the woods finds wild ones and cuts them down! hehe. I think its pretty cute. I am going to try and make my dad do that next year! hehe. Well now I must go and cook. I am a terrible cook so we will see how this turns out... haha.
I am going to Stockholm this weekend for a rotary gathering. We all get to ice skate and go to a christmas market! Then I have the advent thing sunday and on thursday I leave for AUSTRIA! To see ABBY! I AM SO SO SO SO SO EXITED! haha. Abby is my best friend and I love her death and I am very exited to get an Abby hug! Abby hugs are my favorite! hehe. Ok I hope everyone is well and has a wonderful thanksgiving! I send my love to everyone!