Title: Hope and History - Chapter 7 - Blessed
pinkowitchRating: Teen
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Characters and Pairings: Alice/Jasper
Spoilers: Eclipse
Word Count: 2928
Summary: Jasper and Alice leave Philadelphia.
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, I just play with them. :)
Author’s Notes: This chapter is strongly influenced by a RP
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I love the part where…
• Jasper can not bring himself to touch Alice so she takes his hand and completes the action. So tender and loving.
• I like the fact that Alice has the two visions, of her lover and her father. I found that moving. Also I had never really thought about Alice’s images in depth. I suppose I saw them as being like video clips, complete with audio. But she does not know Carlisle’s name. Maybe it is because the future is not yet distinct but maybe it is because the visions are silent? I’ll have to reconsider canon…does it say?
• “Holding her was the only thing in nearly a hundred years that had even made a difference” *sigh*
• Jasper letting go and deciding to love Alice and take his chances. It is a decision anyone who loves must make at some time. You show Jasper's struggle, fear and surrender in a way that is moving but not slushy.
• Jaspers first true smile as he dances with Alice. What a lovely gentle images the dance and the smile.
I get the sense reading this of Jasper slowly reconnecting with his humanity . He decides to love Alice like a human, he dances, something that belongs strongly in his human life and has nothing to do with his vampire existence.
Hope you do not mind all the comments. I think it may sound preachy. I do not mean to be telling you what you intended, just what I thought.
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