The order of greatness in ways you can wish someone a happy birthday :
- through a comment on myspace.
- through a text message.
- through a phone call/voice mail.
- through buying booze.
- through face to face.
- by writing an LJ post solely dedicated to wishing happy birthday.
Yuck. I officially legal in most senses of the word. My birthday feels somewhat anti-climatic. Yeah, I'm going to San Diego. Yeah, I get to eat expensive food with family. Yeah, I get to go around saying it's my birthday. And yeah, I can buy Almond Sparkling Wine from Trader Joes.
All in all, I wish my birthday fell on another day. Friday or Saturday would have been nice. Heck, I would have even settled for the hump of the week Wednesday. Nooo... My birthday fell on good-old-responsibility Monday. Ehhh... I had to work. And the whole time at work all my co-workers asked, "Why didn't you request today off?" I had to mutter the simple reply of "I did." God... I didn't want to work. And god... I love to wine. But really, I felt so out of it at work and I had to place all these mugs in the exact same order of how they appear on the schematic. Lame...
After work, I had to rush over to RCC. And no, I couldn't ditch. It was the first day. On my way to class I was greeted with a familiar face of my ex-boyfriend. I give him a polite hug and wave good-bye only to discover that he's actually in my class. I watch him smoke a cigereete outside the classroom as we make not-all-too-bad small talk. A little part of me wanted to cause some form of pain to him when he informs me that he's been in a relationship with some lady since about two days after we broke up. I ask him who it is and it turns out to be the girl he insisted I was jealous of. Great... All in all, I shouldn't complain. Right?
I did run into some wonderful faces. With a smile one said to me, "Well, we'll just pretend tomorrow is your birthday."
Although... don't get me started about tomorrow.
Yikes. My jew is really starting to show.
Anyway, I got super drunk at exactly midnight. Didn't have to buy a single drink. I hitted on a waiter at Denny's by asking him if he was gay. I ended up getting a free cheesecake and a phone call out of it.
I'm running on 3 hours of sleep and a day of work today.
I'm cranky.
I deserve it.
I'm 21.